Just a short note this week to keep you informed.
This week, I had eye surgery for a cataract. All is well. I did the monthly Q&A earlier today, and everything is following its normal recuperation process. I've decided to take a 2-week break from writing chapters for the book Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life. But that doesn't mean I'm not doing other stuff :).
Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life Pre-Order
As you can see, I've added Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life to Amazon for pre-sale. For the time being, it indicates delivery on February 1, 2025. In fact, I'm aiming for the end of 2024, but because of Amazon's policy, I scheduled it for a little later. Because of the size of the file I uploaded, it also indicates a length of 58 pages. I'll be changing that, but The final file will be more in the range of 200 pages.
I want Transform Your Mind, Upgrade Your Life
You'll notice I've subtitled it Bible Psychology 101. I don't think there's any other book explaining WHY God gave us neshama and ruach, consciousness and mind, HOW the two spirits work together, and WHAT to do to keep them in sync. Focusing consciousness and mind in God's direction leads to mental health.
This book will focus on alleviating anxiety because it's the number one mental health problem faced by the planet. Practical exercises will help people reach this goal. A vital aspect of this book will show that God is interested in ALL humans and their welfare. So, Bible Psychology 101 addresses anxiety for everyone, whether they believe in God or not. It's also one of the reasons I didn't name it “Christian Psychology,” it's much more inclusive than that.
I have another surprise for you next week. Stay tuned.
I want to Unlock Bible Meaning
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The Explanation series of seven books. Free to read online or purchase these valuable commentaries on Genesis 1-3 from your favorite book outlet. E-book and paperback formats are available. Use this link to see the details of each book and buy from your favorite store.
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