by Sam Kneller | Jun 13, 2024 | Transform Mind, Upgrade Life
Mental health points to the metaphysical beyond the body. So, what's together with the body? 2 spirits, according to the Bible. We use two common terms daily: consciousness and mind, although science doesn't know what either of them is. It's time to reveal what...
by Sam Kneller | May 8, 2024 | Transform Mind, Upgrade Life
There's much paranormal activity, including levitation, after-death experiences, ghosts, multiple personalities, voices, flying objects, haunted houses, and possessed persons. And more: Automatic writing, painting, singing, speaking, and other paranormal...
by Sam Kneller | Apr 3, 2024 | Transform Mind, Upgrade Life
If you want to discover the story of humanity, uncover the figurative meaning of the creation of woman. After renewing Earth, God created the first human. He then planted a Garden and put the man in the Garden. Only after that does God create the woman from the side...
by Sam Kneller | Mar 14, 2024 | Transform Mind, Upgrade Life
The Creation of Earth. Earth is not only habitable but, compared to other planets, it's luscious and bountiful, capable of furnishing 24 billion meals a day! The Creation of Earth led to a blue water and green land sumptuous homestead for the present eight billion...
by Sam Kneller | Jul 28, 2022 | Mind-Body Problem Solved
The human brain is the focal point of the mind-body problem. Its the primary transmission and transformation organ of information. This chapter connects the dots between neshama, ruach, and the human brain. This is the continuity of the understanding of neshama...
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