by Sam Kneller | May 16, 2017 | > Read Inventory otU online, 10. Animals versus Humans
Intelligence is common to both animals and mankind. But, do they possess intelligence to the same degree? And what about the level of their minds and instincts? “Sam,” says Galacti, “I see where you’re going with this. You appreciate animals, but you are explaining...
by Sam Kneller | May 9, 2017 | > Read Inventory otU online, 10. Animals versus Humans
Animal instinct versus human intelligence. Who comes out ahead? There’s no doubt animals have a ‘certain intelligence’ beyond their instinct … but does that give them an edge? Animal instinct is powerful, but the areas where man excels are his...
by Sam Kneller | May 2, 2017 | > Read Inventory otU online, 10. Animals versus Humans
Animal accomplishments compared to human accomplishments don’t even make it onto the graph chart. Animals take no initiative and only accomplish what their instincts allow them. In spite of animal accomplishments like parrots, which can have a limited...
by Sam Kneller | Mar 28, 2017 | > Read Inventory otU online, 10. Animals versus Humans
Amazing Animals and Less Amazing Humans. We love animals, at least most of them, but animals and humanity live in two separate worlds. Even if they co-habit, they’re miles and kilometers apart. A strange assortment of animals from our chapter 6 menagerie has...
by Sam Kneller | Aug 9, 2016 | > Read Inventory otU online, 6. Animal Ability
Animal Intelligence – How is it they show human-like capabilities such as Tool Making and Home Building? A display of animal intelligence: A murder of crows (that’s the actual name for the flock) is hard at work in the aviary while a group of Rhesus...
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