by Sam Kneller | Oct 12, 2017 | > Read Origin otU online, 3. Biblical Hebrew
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance is the tool that helped me find the verses in the preceding posts about Biblical Hebrew. It’s merely a study tool–like a hammer if you’re a carpenter. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, like Dr. James Strong, its author, comes under...
by Sam Kneller | Sep 7, 2017 | > Read Origin otU online, 2. Sacred Books
Which Sacred Book (if any) Answers all the Questions with Coherent Completeness? That is the Only One we’re searching out. Just one Sacred Book?! One could read that introductory question and retort, “Sam, that’s a Catch 22 conundrum: You’ve...
by Sam Kneller | Jul 13, 2017 | > Read Origin otU online, Origin of the Universe
There is no Proselytism. Participative contributions will be accepted. Let’s be clear from the start. No Proselytism I would like you to understand right at the outset of Origin of the Universe–there is no intent at proselytism on behalf of the author....
by Sam Kneller | Dec 23, 2014 | >> d. Religion, 5. How Humans Reason, Origin of the Universe
To be a good person, you don’t have to believe in God. Pope Francis supposedly said this. Is this statement true or false? The statement on the above image has been circulating around the internet. Did Pope Francis say this: It is not necessary to believe in God...
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