by Sam Kneller | Sep 12, 2017 | > Read Audit otU online, 3. Water - Pure?
The hydrologic cycle continues unabated, but drying up and removing wetlands forces water to run off and accumulate where it wouldn’t usually go. Human behavior does affect the climate, and it comes back to batter us like a boomerang. Water tells the story of...
by Sam Kneller | Jun 28, 2016 | > Read Inventory otU online, 5. The Flora Pivot
Spring and Fall Wheat Harvest … one of the biggest domesticated crops in the world, and we don’t realize how the seasons schedule its growth. “Before I tell you about the wheat life-cycle, which has two harvest seasons (one early in the spring, and a much...
by Sam Kneller | Mar 29, 2016 | 3. Planet Water, > Read Inventory otU online
The water cycle and you. Fresh water to run your cells and life’s activities changes into used or dirty water and round and round it flows again. Air, water, and food all circulate. Think of the water cycle as a giant 24-hour café. Air, water, and food circulate...
by Sam Kneller | Mar 22, 2016 | 3. Planet Water, > Read Inventory otU online
And there it is, planet water, planet earth, the cocoon with everything for survival and beauty. Imagine the unimaginable. We are literally splashing around in the ocean now in our quest seeking The Explanation. We are treading water. (Inventory of the Universe,...
by Sam Kneller | Jan 22, 2015 | 3. Water - Pure?
One water system but two meanings for Water and Power. Water is the source of life and prosperity, but it can also be a source of possible conflict. In a balanced report, remarkably documented, Frédéric Lasserre, Professor at the University of Laval, Quebec, discusses...
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