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Prosperity is enough to live decently and handle emergencies. Imagine all families with this well-being.

Prosperity is families being able to choose and own a home, a little bit of land and a decent salary. Wouldn't that be a prosperous nation?

Imagine families being able to choose and own a home, a little bit of land and a decent salary. Wouldn't that be a prosperous nation?

Prosperity, not for an elite or even the majority, but for everyone. Wouldn't that be a dream come true? Families in their own chosen home with satisfactory living conditions. That is a prosperous nation. That is the prosperity in the peace and prosperity formula The Explanation will assemble.
(Audit of Humankind, chapter 4.7)

Humankind and nations are at the origin of some incredible creations. Building massive dams, recuperating dry land in Holland, creating Palm island in Dubai. We've literally bored through mountains in Switzerland. Our endeavors include very imaginative inventions. Let's look a just a few areas where national rulership is needed if we want to have national prosperity.


Land is a vital commodity. It can simply be in its natural state, contributing to the balance of nature. It can also be landscaped to integrate the environment and contribute to outdoor recreation. Of course, the land provides all the building and raw materials for manufacturing every product in our consumer society. This intensive use needs a national overseer with rulership policies of the proper way to use and not abuse this resource.

Some countries have gone too far in ruining this prime attribute of prosperity. Lebanon is facing increasing garbage disposal problems. It piles up, even obliterating what used to be beautiful beaches. This article states what most realize. The need for proper rulership. “Lebanon seems to be addicted to these coastal landfills,” said Bassam Khawaja, Lebanon researcher at Human Rights Watch. “They cannot keep jumping from one emergency solution to the next … It is remarkable that we don’t have a national law regulating waste.”

Lebanon has defaced its enchanting scenic hills and mountains to supply building materials for highrise buildings and other construction. Of course, there's a need to supply housing. But can we do it at the expense of scaring the only countryside we have? I could mention fracking in the USA and what it's doing to the landscape. Watch this short video about diamond mining and the second-biggest hole dug by humans. You'd think there'd be some regulations.


Individuals and families aspire to own a piece of property. A home and a piece of land lend produce stability and well-being for citizens that we are. They feel rooted in something solid when they possess a reasonable amount of possessions to be able to live properly.

About ten years ago, mainly in the USA, banks made loans readily available to purchase houses. Even much too readily to people who didn't have the necessary financial base. A building boom was underway and families were delighted to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Unfortunately, it was short-lived because of the subprime financial crisis. Increasing interest rates pushed mortgage payments above what these poorest fringes of homeowners could afford, causing them to default on payments. They were forced out of their properties. With the rising number of houses on the market, the once rising value of properties plummeted. This was the homeowner's side of the subprime crisis.

Families with financial weaknesses (called subprime) were lured into taking loans they eventually wouldn't be able to pay off because of increasing interest rates. There was no control on unscrupulous lending practices which led to lower range income homes collapsing. Dreams were shattered. Legitimate family desires, a home and a piece of land to live decently and comfortably, were given under false pretenses and then wrenched away from forlorn families. Leaving a wake of broken people.

Where was the Ministry of Economy in all this? It's not a question of pointing a finger. This crisis was the most apparent. Are economies in all countries being managed for the benefit of all citizens? That is what national prosperity is all about.


Prosperity is the result of labor, but certainly not unscrupulous employer controlled conditions. Corporate Social Responsibility has become a growing issue, especially with equitable commerce. Globalization has opened the way for cheap labor worldwide. Sweatshops are par for the course in poorer nations where unemployment is so high that people are ready to work for a pittance.

In the aftermath of the Rana Plaza Building collapse, which took the lives of 1600 workers in unbearable conditions, steps are trying to be made to right these situations. This article point to government's overall role. ‘…programs consist entirely too often of unilateral proposals by corporations to regulate their own activities without meaningful roles for governments or unions.

It is recognized that national rulership is needed to regulate activities that have to do with the prosperity of its people. Proper leadership to assume this responsibility is needed. A key question is, do we have such trained persons who are able to step up to the plate?

Everybody benefits

The USA has been the ruling world economy for the last few decades. Now, the challenge comes from the Orient as the USA pulls into itself. This video takes a look at the partition of wealth in the USA and it's definitely worth a watch. Prosperity is not benefiting a majority of the population. By no means. National prosperity, savings, spending, and debt are in tough straits. What is this telling us about rulership?

Ministry of Economy and Finance

Prosperity balanced out so the entire population of a country benefits is not an easy equation. Economics is the discipline that can promote this. With an overall Ministry of Economics and Finance, some of the departments might be what follows. The point to keep in mind is how to have an overall plan for prosperity that all branches can implement in a coordinated way. For instance, a major consideration could be. Does this measure benefit all citizens and the country?

  • Ministry of Transport and Networks,
    • What about the major metropolitan areas and the quality and supply chains of the food we eat? In Paris, we have one major market, Rungis that feeds the greater Paris area of 12 million. That's about one-fifth of France's population depending on ONE market. A lot of people here, and elsewhere, have enough food to last 3-7 days.
  • Ministry of Trade and Industry
    • Toys and many other products are being shipped around the world from China. from China. I'm amazed how we fly $10 products from overseas in 2 days. Delivery companies are on the upswing, but imagine what it's doing to the economic exchanges and environmental crisis.
    • A Panamanian-flagged ship lost 270 containers in rough weather in the North Sea in January 2019. Nearby populations are being warned of hazardous, toxic cargo that could wash ashore. It will seep into the ocean, affecting marine life. We think that 270 containers are just a drop in the ocean's bucket. There are lots of drops, but only one bucket.
  • Ministry of Commerce, Business, import, export
    • Just In Time manufacture of medicine is now concentrated in some specific countries like India. Just recently in France, we had a shortage of some medication due to disrupted distribution. You now have dental tourism to Hungary because it's cheaper there. Patients are flown there for implants. Imagine if something goes awry after you get home.
    • Toxic drywall around 2005 inundated the USA. That's stopped, and now the USA will be exporting genetically modified grains to China in an effort to swing the balance of trade a little. Is this where prosperity lies?

The stock market is run by wild robots we don’t fully control The #stockmarket is supposed to exist to help drive the #economy, to build #equity for #companies, to be able to invest and grow for their own benefit. Yes, but also for that of the #employees and the #public that all companies are supposed to serve. Where have all the #values gone? It’s not just the #algorithms, have we forgotten the purpose of the economy? #theExplanation #AuditEconomy

Paradise Papers Shine Light on Where the Elite Keep Their Money The #rich get richer and the #poor get poorer … one might say. Is #money an end in itself, or is money to be used for a purpose? Where does #altruism fit in here? How much money does an individual really need to live even an affluent life? #ParadisePapers shines light on where money is hidden, but not on the purpose of money. #theExplanation #AuditEconomy

We all want prosperity and having one's reasonable share as the result of their labor is a legitimate desire. Is national are international rulership meeting those goals? Is world government creating and distributing wealth in a conscientious way? If not, why not? Is there a way for 8 million people to live prosperously on planet Earth?

This blog post is an excerpt from chapter 4.7 of the book Audit of Humankind.


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