by Sam Kneller | Oct 25, 2024 | Transform Mind, Upgrade Life
Diligence is vital in all aspects of life and is fundamental to managing one's mental health. Diligence and Rulership Diligence is the fifth exercise for Bible Proverbs Therapy; it relates to one aspect of rulership, the fifth characteristic of consciousness:...
by Sam Kneller | Oct 18, 2024 | Transform Mind, Upgrade Life
Cell phones are aggravating social anxiety. Baby is putting herself in a corner. Socialization or Social Anxiety Socialization is the fourth of five aspects attributed to humankind via the breath of life, neshama in Hebrew, which God blew into the first human. How can...
by Sam Kneller | Oct 11, 2024 | Transform Mind, Upgrade Life
Sixty years ago, I hadn't used my reasoning skills to determine whether a Higher Power existed. I have now. What about you? Reasoning is the Third Aspect of Consciousness Let's take a slightly different tack on this question. Is there Something above us? Something...
by Sam Kneller | Oct 4, 2024 | Transform Mind, Upgrade Life
What are Conduct Disorders? And especially, what is their cause? Biological brain or mental mind? How to avoid and heal them. Prevalence & Nature of Conduct Disorders In the US Vice Presidential debate, Vance addressed the question of Mental Health and just how...
by Sam Kneller | Sep 27, 2024 | Transform Mind, Upgrade Life
What is the best therapy for anxiety? It's not a magic pill or method that remedies the discomfort instantly. Bible Proverbs Therapy for anxiety will work. Anxiety Definition It's time for practical lessons in therapy for anxiety. Let's see the overall process we will...
by Sam Kneller | Sep 20, 2024 | Transform Mind, Upgrade Life
Nurture and heal are the combined solutions for today's mental health crisis. In physical and mental health, we accentuate the latter to the former's detriment. We need both to nurture and heal the body and mind. In fact, the lack of nurturing in mental health is a...
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