by Sam Kneller | Aug 16, 2016 | > Read Inventory otU online, 6. Animal Ability
The Animal Kingdom with its beautiful biodiversity should cause humankind to sit up and think … It is fascinating. Weatherproofers The animal kingdom has it covered, whether it’s scorching hot or ice-cold each animal is weatherproof. Emperor penguins,...
by Sam Kneller | Aug 9, 2016 | > Read Inventory otU online, 6. Animal Ability
Animal Intelligence – How is it they show human-like capabilities such as Tool Making and Home Building? A display of animal intelligence: A murder of crows (that’s the actual name for the flock) is hard at work in the aviary while a group of Rhesus...
by Sam Kneller | Aug 2, 2016 | > Read Inventory otU online, 6. Animal Ability
The innate capabilities of sailfish (109 km/h) let them swim circles around Michael Phelps (7 km/h) at any Olympic Games. Innate capabilities in animals have us humans drooling. It is the same experience that we have when we watch cheetahs racing or dolphins swimming...
by Sam Kneller | Jul 26, 2016 | > Read Inventory otU online, 6. Animal Ability
Animal navigation, with long-distance precision, by creatures with miniscule brains defies both the human brain and imagination. Animal Navigation senses wind to reach its destination without fail. Inside the fruit fly haven, dozens of red-eyed flies embark on...
by Sam Kneller | Jul 19, 2016 | > Read Inventory otU online, 6. Animal Ability
Animal Societies – Ants, Apes Fish and even Bacteria Organize their own Communities to obtain Favors and Benefits. Inside one of the glass enclosures, hundreds of ants swarm along a superhighway network of leaves and tree branches that connect soccer-ball-sized...
by Sam Kneller | Jul 12, 2016 | > Read Inventory otU online, 6. Animal Ability
Animal Abilities including Animal Communication allow communities of thousands and millions of animals to Live Harmoniously … without Leadership. Animals are not human beings, but animal abilities astound us nonetheless. Imagine the un-animaginable. We are...
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