by Sam Kneller | Dec 24, 2019 | > Read Origin otU online, Origin of the Universe
The beginning of a presentation sets the stage. Don't miss or mess up the introduction. It reveals the keys to what you will discover. The beginning, the first minutes, of a play or movie is crucial. The first few paragraphs and pages of a book are capital. They...
by Sam Kneller | Jul 13, 2017 | > Read Origin otU online, Origin of the Universe
There is no Proselytism. Participative contributions will be accepted. Let's be clear from the start. No Proselytism I would like you to understand right at the outset of Origin of the Universe–there is no intent at proselytism on behalf of the author. I’ve...
by Sam Kneller | Jun 29, 2017 | > Read Origin otU online, Origin of the Universe
My life, a short introduction. How I conceived The Explanation series with Sam Kneller and the approach behind its writing. My Life – A Personal Pathway Let me digress and tell you a part of the story of my life. You’ll better understand both why and how I...
by Sam Kneller | Jun 22, 2017 | > Read Origin otU online, Origin of the Universe
Our Audit of the Universe reveals that humankind's technical progress has been astronomic, but their peace of mind has not followed. Audit of the Universe asked and answered the question, what’s up with all those pieces of Inventory of the Universe? How are they...
by Sam Kneller | Jun 15, 2017 | > Read Origin otU online, Origin of the Universe
When a blind person walks down the street, they swing their white cane, gently tapping the ground to identify the type of terrain, its levelness, and if there are obstacles. The blind person knows exactly where they’re walking and what’s on their left and right. Their...
by Sam Kneller | Dec 23, 2014 | >> d. Religion, 5. How Humans Reason, Origin of the Universe
To be a good person, you don't have to believe in God. Pope Francis supposedly said this. Is this statement true or false? The statement on the above image has been circulating around the internet. Did Pope Francis say this: It is not necessary to believe in God to be...
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