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- Use the list of links below for the content of origin of humankind, starting with: Were Humans Created or did Humans Originate? Creation Day 6 and progress down the page from link to link. There's also a link at the end of each post so you can progress to the next one. I add a blog post each week on Thursdays … Join my list (right column) to get it via email.
This book, with the content of Origin of Humankind, is the fifth in The Explanation Series. The following books are available online as blog posts. Certain books are also available at Amazon, search for Sam Kneller. These books are also available through all your favorite vendors.
- Inventory of the Universe
- Audit of the Universe
- Audit of Humankind
- Origin of the Universe (Commentary on Genesis 1)
- The content of Origin of Humankind (Commentary on Genesis 1:26–2:7)
- Origin of Woman (Commentary on Genesis 2:8–25)
- Agony of Humankind (Commentary on Genesis 3)
- Evidence for Bible Wisdom
- Unlock Bible Meaning with 7-Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew Words Course
- Mind-Body Problem Solved
Bible tools to accompany the Origin (Commentary on Genesis) books are available at Below is a list of the entire content of Origin of Humankind with links to each section on this website.
Here are a couple of items the author would like you to know about: Sam's Note 1: My life – a Sliver from Sam’s Personal Notes – What’s behind the Books Sam's Note 2: Sam Would Like You to Know: About Proselytism and Contributions. To understand why we are using the Bible, Biblical Hebrew and the particular approach to Theology, read the first chapters of Origin of the Universe.
The material in all the books is Copyright Sam Kneller. All rights reserved. This work, or excerpts thereof, is free to share, copy, distribute and propagate so long as the following credits are included: Produced by The Explanation with Sam Kneller at
Preface to Origin of Humankind
1. Creation of Human Beings
- Were Humans Created or did Humans Originate? Creation Day 6 (1.1)
- Humans have the Likeness of God – What that Means (1.2)
- Made in the Image of God – The Definition (1.3)
- Humans were Created in the image of God, in His Likeness (1.4)
- Human Beings – God Created them Equal but Different (1.5)
- Male Gender – Its Significance and Why God Created it (1.6)
- Female Gender – its Significance and Why God Created it (1.7)
- Rule Earth – To Rule the World is God’s Purpose for Humans (1.8)
- God Blessed the Male and the Female – Here’s the Meaning (1.9)
2. Why Create Humankind?
- Rule the World. Humankind is on Earth for that Purpose ((2.1)
- Genesis 1 Reveals Basics: Social Relations & Rulership (2.2)
- On the Seventh Day God Continues Finishing His Work (2.3)
- Creation Week Reveals God’s Plan. Remember it (2.4)
- Timeline of History, The Universe, Earth, and Humankind (2.5)
- Yahweh or Yahveh. Meaning & Identity of God’s Name (2.6)
- Yahweh Elohim. Discover This Inseparable Relationship (2.7)
- Rain falls on Earth Entirely Because Yahveh Initiated It (2.8)
- The Foolishness of God’s Word is True Theology (2.9)
3. Creation of Man and the Role of Neshama
- God Created Man. Why the Bible says, God Formed Man (3.1)
- From Dust You Came. The Biblical Hebrew Meaning (3.2)
- God Breathed into the Nostrils of His Dust Man (3.3)
- Soul, Nephesh in Biblical Hebrew. Here’s the Definition (3.4)
- Neshama Reveals Humankind’s Relationship with God (3.5)
- Many lives for You and Me? What the Bible Says (3.6)
- Life and Death are Major Issues. Which One Prevails? (3.7)
- Neshama and Ruach Together Make Humans Human (3.8)
- Neshama Meaning? The God-Given Human Mind (3.9)
4. God's Spirit and Human spirit
- Ruach, The Core Senses of Sentient Beings (4.1)
- God’s spirit. The ruach Animates all Living Beings (4.2)
- Two spirits. God’s Spirit and the spirit in Humans (4.3)
- The Spirit of God MOVED on the Face of the Waters. Meaning? (4.4)
- The Spirit Realm & the Physical Realm Interconnection (4.5)
- Fluctuation or Frequency of the Power of the Spirit (4.6)
- Material World, Spiritual World. Are They Compatible? (4.7)
- Human Person. This is What Defines You as Human (4.8)
5. Mind and the Theory of Everything
- Human Mind and Mind Power. Neshama and Ruach (5.1)
- The Holy Spirit of God. Its Interrelationship with Humans (5.2)
- Animal Spirit is Not Spirit Animal But They are Related (5.3)
- Human Brain. Its Role in Consciousness and Mind (5.5)
- The Theory of Everything. Universe and Consciousness (5.6)
- Understanding the Human Mind. Key to God’s Plan (5.7)
Genesis 2:7, in one verse, introduces us to the human presence on Earth. In this verse, the term ‘man' (adam) is used in a generic sense. Yes, God created a masculine human being, but beyond that, and more importantly, He created the first human. From a modern archaeological, paleontology, and prehistoric this is a primary benchmark. Why can The Explanation affirm this? Because of neshama that God breathed into the first man. Hence the emphasis on this subject in the content of Origin of Humankind.
But the story moves on from the content of origin of humankind, and the rest of Genesis 2 is devoted to two subjects, the Garden of Eden and the Creation of Woman. Key topics to establish the foundation of knowledge and understanding of God's Plan. Having read the content of origin of humankind, think, what male, in his right mind, on seeing a beautiful woman would declare, “bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh”? Unlikely, yet the man did. Why? The Explanation will answer that question and reveal the meaning behind so many of the other strange details.
After the Content of Origin of Humankind., Read volume 6 in The Explanation series, Origin of Woman.
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The Explanation series of seven books. Free to read online or purchase these valuable commentaries on Genesis 1-3 from your favorite book outlet. E-book and paperback formats are available. Use this link to see the details of each book and buy from your favorite store.
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