- 1 You can read all the content of Origin of the Universe entirely online
- 1.0.1 1. Theology #OriginTheology based on the content of Origin of the Universe
- 1.0.2 2. Sacred Books #OriginSacredBooks #OriginBible
- 1.0.3 3. Biblical Hebrew #OriginBiblicalHebrew
- 1.0.4 4. Introduction to the Main Characters of the Bible #OriginGod #OriginUniverse #OriginLife #OriginHumanKind based on the content of Origin of the Universe
- 1.0.5 5. Goals: God, Humans, Serpent
- 1.0.6 6. In Beginning – Genesis 1.1
- 1.0.7 7. Genesis: Bara = Creation
- 1.0.8 8. Days of Creation
- 1.0.9 Epilogue
- 1.1 Dig Deeper into The Explanation
You can read all the content of Origin of the Universe entirely online

Content of Origin of the Universe and the cover of the fifth book of The Explanation series.
Read all the content of Origin of the Universe online. Simply navigate from post to post.
- Use the list of links below starting with: Origin of the Universe Preface 1 – ‘The Seeing Person is Lost' and progress down the page from link to link. There's also a link at the end of each post so you can progress to the next one and read the content of Origin of the Universe. Join my list (right column) to get info via email about future blogs.
- Origin of the Universe Preface 1 – The Seeing Person is Lost
- Origin of the Universe Preface 2 – Audit of the Universe
- Sam's Note 1 – My life—a Sliver from Sam’s Personal Notes—What’s behind the Books
- Sam's Note 2 – Sam Would Like You to Know: About Proselytism and Contributions
The content of Origin of the Universe in this book is copyright, Sam Kneller. All rights reserved. This work and excerpts thereof are free to share, copy, distribute and propagate so long as the following credits are included: Produced by The Explanation with Sam Kneller at
This book, with the content of Origin of the Universe, is the fourth in The Explanation Series. The following books are available online as blog posts. Certain books are also available at Amazon, search for Sam Kneller. These books are also available through all your favorite vendors.
Here's the index with the content of Origin of the Universe
- Inventory of the Universe
- Audit of the Universe
- Audit of Humankind
- Content of Origin of the Universe (Commentary on Genesis 1)
- Origin of Humankind (Commentary on Genesis 1:26–2:7)
- Origin of Woman (Commentary on Genesis 2:8–25)
- Agony of Humankind (Commentary on Genesis 3)
- Evidence for Bible Wisdom
- Unlock Bible Meaning with 7-Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew Words Course
- Mind-Body Problem Solved
Bible tools to accompany the Origin (Commentary on Genesis) books are available at Below is a list of the entire available content of Origin of the Universe with links to each chapter on this website.
1. Theology #OriginTheology based on the content of Origin of the Universe
- Into Theology, a Fifth Approach to Life with Peace and Prosperity (1.1)
- Deity and Sound, Reasoned Words are the Crux of Theology (1.2)
- Coherent Completeness is the Logical Reasoning of the s/Source (1.3)
2. Sacred Books #OriginSacredBooks #OriginBible
- Sacred books–There are Many–Will the Real Sacred Book Stand up Please (2.1)
- Why Questions are the First Questions to Ask about the Universe (2.2)
- The Why of Human Life: The Biggest Unanswered Question of All Time (2.3)
- The Nagging Question: How do Humans Function and Affect the Universe? (2.4)
- The Sacred Book (if it exists): Could it Possibly be the Bible? (2.5)
3. Biblical Hebrew #OriginBiblicalHebrew
- Biblical Hebrew—An Amazing Language, both Simple and Deep at the Same Time (3.1)
- Your Native Language does Not Render the Fullness of Biblical Hebrew (3.2)
- Each Biblical Hebrew Word is a Precious Jewel to be Discovered (3.3)
- Biblical Hebrew Roots to Anchor your Bible Comprehension (3.4)
- Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance—Valid Bible Study Aid … or not? (3.5)
- Bible Tools to Unlock Bible Meaning—Using Biblical Hebrew with No Fuss (3.6)
4. Introduction to the Main Characters of the Bible #OriginGod #OriginUniverse #OriginLife #OriginHumanKind based on the content of Origin of the Universe
- Human Methods and Divine methods to obtain Peace and Prosperity are Different (4.1)
- The Main Characters of our Play: Presentation of God and Humans (4.2)
- A Tree, even Two Trees to Represent God’s Intentions for Humankind (4.3)
- Bible Hierarchy of our Two Key Characters: God and humans (4.4)
- The Serpent, our Third Character, Makes his Grand Entry (4.5)
- Interplay between and Sentence of the Serpent, Man, and Woman (4.6)
- The Garden of Eden, gone, gone, gone forever … or is it? (4.7)
5. Goals: God, Humans, Serpent
- God’s Goal—What’s the Point of The Bible Story? (5.1)
- God Made Something on the Climactic 7th Day of Creation (5.2)
- God Pursued His Work Resting with Adam and Eve Whom He Created to Make (5.3)
- God ‘to do with’ His Work–to make them on 7th Day, to take Care of His Creation (5.4)
- The Serpent in the Bible—Is it Reality or some Fairytale Created by and Foisted on Humans? (5.5)
- It seems that God’s Goal went Awry because of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden (5.6)
- Adam and Eve were Naked. Can You Prove this also Means they had a Clear Mind? (5.7)
- The Serpent Uses its Lying Nature to Separate Humanity from God (5.8)
- What on Earth is Humankind doing? In Beginning, there were No Humans (5.9)
6. In Beginning – Genesis 1.1
- Genesis Creation Starts off with a Surprise, How About a Big Bang (6.1)
- Genesis 1—Science with Big Bang and the Bible with Creation in Accord? (6.2)
- Formation of the Universe—Does the Bible Corroborate Big Bang … or not? (6.3)
- Genesis of the Universe—Science and Bible Evidence Match in its Formation (6.4)
- Stephen Hawking: A Universe from Nothing. Correct or Incorrect? (6.5)
- Bible: The Heavens Above are Stretched Out. Is that Scientifically Accurate? (6.6)
- Formation of Celestial Bodies—One Biblical Hebrew Word Says it All (6.7)
- The Book of Job Reveals Details of Big Bang and Formation of the Universe (6.8)
- The Big Bang Universe—Can its Accelerating Expansion Come to an End? (6.9)
- Science and Theology: Agreement on Real Evidence for Big Bang (6.10)
7. Genesis: Bara = Creation
- Heaven—Does it exist? Yes, in fact, There are Three Heavens (7.1)
- The Earth, From the Beginning of Creation—As Beautiful As Ever (7.2)
- Tohu va Bohu Signifies Confusion and Void—A Horrible State to Be In (7.3)
- Alien Beings Existed Before Earth Over 4.5 Billion Years Ago (7.4)
- A Cherub is a Very Powerful Spirit Being. Fact or Fiction? (7.5)
- Fallen from Heaven—The Fate of Lucifer (7.6)
- Darkness before Creation—Wrecked Planets and Asteroids (7.7)
8. Days of Creation
- Restore Earth, from Chaos to Harmony, in Preparation For… (8.1)
- Creation: Environmentally friendly for Billions of Humans (8.2)
- Let there be Light. The Story of Humankind Begins (8.3)
- It was good, is a Translation Fiasco of God’s Actual Creation Statement (8.4)
- Evening and Morning of the 1st Day—Here’s What it Means (8.5)
- Earth’s Firmament is its Atmosphere or Sky (8.6)
- Dry Land, Seas, and Flora. Why this Combination on Day 3 of Creation? (8.7)
- Day 4 of Creation: Sun and Moon Establish Calendar (8.8)
- Creation Day 5 and 6. God Created Fish, Fowl, and Fauna (8.9)
After reading the content of Origin of the Universe, read the rest of the commentary on Genesis 1 & 2 with The Explanation of Day 7, and the creation of man
in the next book, Origin of Humankind
Dig Deeper into The Explanation
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The Explanation series of seven books. Free to read online or purchase these valuable commentaries on Genesis 1-3 from your favorite book outlet. E-book and paperback formats are available. Use this link to see the details of each book and buy from your favorite store.
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