by Sam Kneller | Dec 24, 2020 | 2. How Humans Function, Practical Bible Wisdom
Lies are nauseous. Like cancer, it starts with one cell, then 2, 4, 8, multiplying. Soon you can't stop it. Lies kill individuals, nations and the world. Lies destroy truth. That's the bottom line at the top of this post. It even goes further because most people today...
by Sam Kneller | Oct 29, 2020 | 2. How Humans Function
Hardness of heart in modern English has the meaning, obstinacy. It is the key reason for the Agony of Humankind and human misunderstanding of practical Godly wisdom. Here's a question about hardness of heart. If God is God, Power of Powers, Miracle of Miracles, why...
by Sam Kneller | Aug 21, 2018 | > Read Audit oH online, 2. How Humans Function
Love is the most distorted word in the English language. Here's the profound meaning of love. Love is very hard to define. Even harder to find and maintain. We have a lot of fantasies and misconceptions about what it is. The Explanation will help you get a clearer...
by Sam Kneller | Aug 14, 2018 | > Read Audit oH online, 2. How Humans Function
Forgiveness, the last of the 7 steps of how humankind functions, is the healer, that alone leads to true peace. To reach the seventh step of forgiveness, let's resume the six-step scenario of how humankind functions. Let's especially see the casualties strewn...
by Sam Kneller | Aug 7, 2018 | > Read Audit oH online, 2. How Humans Function
Self-reproach is a positive step to personal and collective peace. It's the realization that for the ball to start rolling, it's up to me to take an honest look at my human nature and my choices. Self-reproach is the sixth element in how humans function. But it is the...
by Sam Kneller | Jul 31, 2018 | > Read Audit oH online, 2. How Humans Function
There are two types of peace: Enforced by justice and free choice by people wanting to live together. There are two types of peace. Peace is not just the absence of war! The difference between the 2 types of peace are vital to understand and has to do with ethics...
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