by Sam Kneller | Sep 23, 2021 | > Read Origin oH online, 1. Creation of Humans
The meaning of male in Biblical Hebrew unlocks Bible understanding. Names and nouns reveal deeper ideas than in your language. Take the meaning of male, for instance. It immediately conjures up men. In Biblical Hebrew, it refers to much more. Without fuller...
by Sam Kneller | Oct 22, 2020 | 3. Man & Neshama
Nefesh Chaya. Here’s the worldview and focused meaning of this Biblical Hebrew phrase. It’s pivotal to Bible and Psychology comprehension. Genesis 2:7 and the phrase nefesh chaya, translated living soul in the King James Bible, occupy center stage in the...
by Sam Kneller | Oct 15, 2020 | 3. Man & Neshama, Practical Bible Wisdom
What is humanity? Who are we? The definitions of human nature, consciousness, and mind. All clearly described. Welcome to 2021 and I wish you all the best after a trying 2020. The Explanation has big plans for 2021. I’m finishing editing the last book in the...
by Sam Kneller | Oct 8, 2020 | 2. Why Create Humans?, Practical Bible Wisdom
I’ll show you seven proofs God exists. That statement started me on the quest for evidence for God. Fifty-five years ago an agnostic boy became a believing man. Here’s the story. I spent hours pouring over literature and books, long before internet came...
by Sam Kneller | Jun 23, 2019 | > Read Origin oH online, 5. Mind and Theory of Everything
Who am I? What makes humans human? Why is humankind endowed with the capacity to rule Earth? Who am I? is one of those ultra-simplistic, yet unanswerable questions. In general, humankind is at a loss to know who they are. The fact that we can ask and search for...
by Sam Kneller | Jun 20, 2019 | > Read Origin oH online, 5. Mind and Theory of Everything
Understanding the Human Mind is both the Key to God’s Plan and the Way to Peace and Prosperity. Understanding the human mind is the most critical knowledge that humanity can possess. Amazingly, after centuries, the best human brains are still stumped and...
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