Mind-Body Problem Solved
Groundbreaking Psychology and Spirituality
Practical Nurturing and Healing
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Many touted pills and potions are available to treat anxiety and depression; however, everyone knows they only suppress the symptoms but ultimately do little to heal the root causes of mental illnesses.
Mental disorders, from anxiety to moodiness and depression, are the world’s #1 plague of all ages, cultures, and genders.
To top it off, we cannot alleviate mental illness issues if we don’t even know what the mind is. Science, philosophy, and religion are empty-handed, with no coherent understanding of consciousness and mind, let alone how they relate to everyday life.
This shocking state of affairs is at the core of the remarkable and inspiring book Mind-Body Problem Solved: Groundbreaking Psychology and Spirituality. This book emerged from The Explanation series, designed to help people discover the origin of the Universe, and Humankind, developed by renowned author Sam Kneller.
Sam Kneller said, “Science and Religion use the wrong methodology to identify consciousness and mind. When you apply the 7 Keys to Master Biblical HebrewTM, you can reach the God-intended meaning of Genesis 2:7, specifically breath (neshama) of life. I’m not the smartest bloke around; it’s all in the right approach.”
The Explanation reveals the COMPASS for life. It maps out how you see yourself and loved ones in the five primary areas affecting each of us: purpose, conduct, reasoning, socialization, and rulership. This process puts you in the driver’s seat; discover how to take care of your mental health and have a positive impact on your loved ones, friends, and colleagues.
- You’ll identify consciousness and mind, know what they are, how they function, and why you received them. This priceless wisdom alone revolutionizes psychology and spirituality.
- Once established, you will emerge from preventive and remedial confusion and alight on practical step-by-step stages to avert or cure mental issues.
- Your hyperactive mind will calm down, focus on your primary goals, and create manageable bites to move slowly but surely toward them.
- Discover the simple rules for you, leading to a life that can function normally despite the daily stress that assails us.
- Avoid situations that lead to toxic relationships and socialize with people who edify your aspirations.
- Zoom in on your real purpose in life with assurance, passion, and certainty you’re accomplishing your life’s objectives.
- Your reasoning will considerably reduce, if not eliminate, fake facts by establishing a solid foundation on which you can hone a valid worldview and hold concrete hope in the meaning of life.
- You’ll gain confidence by bringing your professional and personal life into harmony through proper decisions and actions. Imagine this spilling over into beneficial management of yourself, your family, or colleagues to whom you have a responsibility.
We’re all born with internal hereditary traits, like our psychological nature, with strengths and weaknesses. From the start, we are all subject to the positive and negative nurturing forces around us, like parents, school, culture, and society, with their pulls and pushes.
Sam Kneller said, “Transformation is not an easy ten-minute recipe, but it is a proven program to generate sound individuals and society. God is the God of all humankind, or He doesn’t exist. He gave humans the neshama and ruach and the way to use them to live an abundant life, for believers and unbelievers alike.”
Mind-Body Problem Solved is your mind road map and COMPASS to navigate this complex labyrinth of life. No other book specifies how to enhance sanity in a world on a roller coaster ride. Ward off defeatism, regain serenity, and stabilize your peace of mind. Invest in yourself with this valuable wisdom for life. Get your COMPASS; COnsciousness and Mind in Psychology And Sound SpiritualityTM.
AVAILABILITY: Mind-Body Problem Solved is Sam Kneller’s tenth book and is available at your favorite bookstore (, and in Hardback (ISBN 978-2958762865), Paperback (ISBN 978-2958762841), eBook (ISBN 978-2958762858) at $6.97, and shortly an Audiobook at (ISBN 978-2958762872)
CONTACT: Sam Kneller, +33 603-704-808 Email: [email protected] for interviews, podcast, teaching, and speaking engagements.
BIOGRAPHY: After spending twenty-five years in the Christian ministry, Sam Kneller taught at the American University in Paris, was a technical writer, and founded, a successful site for travel and tourism in France.
Sam assists truth seekers to overcome Bible turbulence and unlock the original God-intended meaning of Scripture via 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew, with no fuss™. He is the author of the 7-book series The Explanation, a commentary on Genesis 1-3 based on Biblical Hebrew. Find Christ and see His amazing role in these Creation chapters.
He teaches and writes about God's Plan and the big questions in life at
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The Explanation series of seven books. Free to read online or purchase these valuable commentaries on Genesis 1-3 from your favorite book outlet. E-book and paperback formats are available. Use this link to see the details of each book and buy from your favorite store.
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