Your body consists of multiple highly organized systems, working in split second harmony, more complex than any airport or city. Let's take a closer look.
Let's take inventory of your body. It is highly organized with multiple systems, all working in harmony, always with split second timing to accomplish so many simultaneous tasks that crisscross each other. It is mind-boggling. We could compare our bodily functions to any complex system like the worldwide mail delivery systems or a metropolis.
There are 457 cities in the world with 1,000,000+ population, 1,063 with 500,000+ and 2,869 with 150,000+ according to the World Atlas. Think about the incredible infrastructure to run each of them, including Tokyo, the largest, with 37 million people:
- Transport: Roads, transit systems, railways, canals, bicycles, ferries…
- Energy: Electricity network, gas pipelines, petrol distribution, coal, heating…
- Water: Drinking, sewage collection, rain drainage, irrigation, flood control, snow removal, coast management…
- Communications: Postal service, Telephone, Mobile phone, TV-radio, cable, internet…
- Waste disposal: Garbage, recycling, landfills, incinerators, hazardous waste…
There are two types of infrastructure: Hard as we see above and also the soft services:
- Government: Legislation and law enforcement, emergency and security services…
- Economy: Financial, banking, manufacturing, product delivery…
- Social: Health care, hospitals, schools, welfare, unemployment…
- Cultural: Museums, libraries, sports, concerts, attractions…
You're beginning to see the complexity a Mayor and his/her team faces to keep it all running smoothly.
Well, your body is in a very similar situation. In this blog, I just want to draw your attention to its infrastructure with an overall list and a few details. It's something we don't give much thought to, in fact, we mostly take it for granted until something goes wrong.
Here's a list of Body systems:
- Skeletal system: Bones, joints…
- Muscular system
- Endocrine system: Thyroid, hypothalamus… emits hormones, issuing orders…
- Cardio vascular system: Heart, arteries, veins…
- Lymphatic system: Lymph vessels, tonsils, spleen, waste drainage…
- Respiratory system: Lungs, trachea, nose…
- Digestive system: Mouth, salivary glands, stomach, intestines, rectum…
- Urinary system: Kidneys, bladder…
- Reproductive system: male genitalia, female organs…
We can add the ‘governing systems':
- Nervous system: Brain, spinal cord, nerves…
- Cognitive system: Mind, whether a part of the brain or not, this works with our emotions and reasoning powers.
This is just a ‘list' of systems. We'll stop and tour them to grasp some intricate details. But first we've taken an overall approach.
As we shall see, in ‘Inventory of the Universe' and follow-up blogs, your body and mine are a marvel of interwoven cogs in clockwork harmony.
When our bodies function properly, they are the embodiment of peace and prosperity.
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