by Sam Kneller | Nov 14, 2019 | > Read Origin oW online, 3. Coherent Completeness
The Creation Story ends with the male and the female being naked and not ashamed. This translation is only partially correct. It's a total letdown. The creation story is the narration of God creating the Universe and everything in it down to the male and female and...
by Sam Kneller | Nov 7, 2019 | > Read Origin oW online, 3. Coherent Completeness
One flesh is a two-word description of marriage. The Biblical Hebrew and the context reveal so much more. It's the ultimate goal of humankind. One flesh, in Genesis, is traditionally associated with the marriage union. Two human beings, biblically, a male and a...
by Sam Kneller | Oct 31, 2019 | 3. Coherent Completeness, > Read Origin oW online
Marriage relationship. The most challenging relationship between two people. It can be heaven or hell. Here's why. Traditionally, the marriage relationship is two people of the opposite sex living together for life. Biblically, this is the case. Marriage is the...
by Sam Kneller | Oct 17, 2019 | > Read Origin oW online, 3. Coherent Completeness
Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh. So said Adam to Eve when he saw the woman God had built for him. Unusual response. Why? Bone of my bone flesh of my flesh is not what you'd expect to hear from a man who's just met his bride-to-be. I doubt that Adam could even see...
by Sam Kneller | Oct 10, 2019 | > Read Origin oW online, 2. Creation of Woman
Song of Solomon, a tale of love and sex. A married couple of friends and lovers. Song of Solomon, one of the most enigmatic books in the Bible. It's about an intimate relationship, but is it only on a physical level of Solomon and the Shulamite woman? Or, is it on a...
by Sam Kneller | Oct 3, 2019 | > Read Origin oW online, 2. Creation of Woman
Proverbs 31 in the Bible focuses on women. It is in the Old Testament. Is it harsh and male dominant? What is God's viewpoint? Proverbs 31 is one of the Bible perspectives of women. Many God-seeking women look to these words of wisdom for inspiration on how to live...
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