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Join The Explanation Q&A sessions with Sam Kneller. Every third Thursday of the month, starting January 18… in a few days. But, ONLY IF…

The Explanation starts Live Q&A sessions every third Thursday of the month. Attend only if you...

You Join The Bible Study Course Unlock Bible Meaning with 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew… with no fuss.  Join here

WHY you should join this must-have Bible course:

Everyone can Unlock Bible Meaning only if you use the 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew… with no fuss

There’s so much Bible confusion and conflict, with no valid way to resolve comprehension issues.

Forty thousand religious groups purport to base their lives on their understanding of the Bible. All different, all convinced they’ve got the truth. Only if you have the right insight can you extract yourself from this labyrinth of going nowhere.

It’s time to get off the treadmill of conflicting doctrines, confused teachings, incomplete answers, and side-stepping the big questions in life. Get real answers in the Bible. You can do it only if you know the right approach.

Learn the exact daily method I used to go from Bible confusion to full clarity

Understand Who God is and precisely what His goals for you are to reach eternal life. This is much easier than you think; I’ve done all the heavy lifting for you.

Use 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew, and you’ll achieve Scripture mastery. The Bible,  God’s Word, is a huge puzzle with upteen pieces, words, 3/4 of a million in English. You’ll learn how to dig out the full meaning, the contour, of each puzzle piece, and then you’ll see how the pieces assemble together to build out God’s plan for humanity.

The 7 Keys method will lead you into Bible clarity, giving you the assurance that you know God’s will in your personal life. Join the Bible course here.

Get to the God-intended meaning of Scripture

7 Keys goes to the crux of the matter. You’ll come away from your regular daily Bible study envigorated with insight after insight, understanding you didn’t even know was there.

  1. This is a proven step-by-step Bible study method
  2. Easy to learn, applicable daily to deepen your appreciation of God’s Word.
  3. Corroboration and clarity of Bible understanding are at your fingertips
  4. Full support from Sam along the way

No other Bible course goes so in-depth with word meanings and at the same time assembles them to build out the entire purpose of God for each human being who has ever walked the face of Earth. Join here

Translations are good but incomplete. The 7 Keys expand Biblical profoundness

Here are the seven modules and all the trainings. Only if you add this Bible study method to your toolkit will you dig deep, using Biblical Hebrew.

7 Keys Bible course with all the trainings.

Look what students say about the 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew

Wonderful Hebrew Studies. You have turned the light on the truth helping me make wise decisions regarding marriage and additional children.
Brian S.
It is something I have been searching for, a way to get past the translations and get to the deeper meaning of God’s word.
I have long suspected that the Adam and Eve story had a much deeper meaning. This Bible study course shows that what I suspected was true. An interesting way to look at the story. I am glad I took this course.
Joseph W.
The instructor was very precise in his delivery and how to check the meaning. It was really helpful to learn the power of the Hebrew behind the words.
Phyllis C.
It’s a SHAME!. after many bible translations most people still have a blurred “understanding” of what Sam Kneller, so elegantly clarifies in this course. See it for yourself. This is a MUST TAKE COURSE for everyone, no matter their beliefs (or non-beliefs) are. Hey!, if you can’t really comprehend the CLIMAX in ‘the first story’…forget PhDs. Thanks!
Jesse C.
He explains in very slow and concise manner. Allowing a student to keep up with the lesson.
JoAnne J.
Found this Bible study course to give a clear and useful example of using the website and tools mentioned. Need to be open-minded and willing to explore the Bible, rather than dogmatic, to get the most from this course. Thanks, Sam, for introducing me to these tools. I look forward to further explorations.
Robin S.

Get your hands on this  must-have 7 Keys Bible Study Method

You subscribed to The Explanation because you saw the unique coherence in God’s Word through articles on the website. Now you can find out exactly how The Explanation reached that goal and easily do it by and for yourself.

This Bible study method is the basis of the 7 book series, a commentary on Genesis 1-3 that shows Christ’s role in Creation and the beginning events of humans on Earth. To progress, you need this Bible course. Join here

Only if and when  I used the 7 Keys method could God help me out of a spiritual rut

I pastored a Church for 25 years, and then all hell broke loose as the Church split into hundreds of groups over conflicts with doctrine. Honestly, I was burned out and withdrew, I still believed and knew God was present, but I floundered around understanding what He had in mind.

Finally, a few years later, God helped me pull myself together as I plunged into deep Bible study to trace God’s path. I went back to the beginning, Genesis, and delved into the Biblical Hebrew. Learning that language started at age 10; later, I spent a couple of years in Israel, and as I renewed my Bible study, I joined the Hebrew Institute of Biblical Studies in Jerusalem to continue my Biblical Hebrew studies.

But I had a second reason for going to the Institute. The 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew were beginning to take shape, and I wanted to verify that all of them were valid and a bona fide method to study the Bible withOUT wasting a lot of time and money. Those courses at the Institute cost me hundreds of dollars. That experience PROVED the 7 Keys METHOD is a VALID BIBLE STUDY METHOD.

There was still one important piece missing. The Bible tools to go deep into the Biblical Hebrew. Especially for the average person like you, who doesn’t know a thing about the language and who has no real desire to go that route.

So I had a developer create an online Bible tool that lets you investigate the Bible with the aid of an Interlinear Hebrew and Greek Bible as well as Strong’s Concordance to locate any word in the Bible and see the various translations used. These are the ONLY BIBLE tools I use to reach the God-intended meaning of Scripture. Always with CORROBORATIVE BIBLE VERSES.

These tools are FREE and AVAILABLE 24/7/365 online and on your mobile phone. I guarantee you, you don’t need anything else: no expensive commentaries, lexicons, concordances, Bible studies… nothing. Imagine the savings. These tools are accessible at

Only if you Join the 7 Keys Bible Course will you be able to attend the Q&A Live Sessions

The 7 Keys Bible course “costs” much less than other courses, saves you precious time, and you don’t need to buy anything or hire coaches. In fact, the Bible course is FREE, and all the online tools are accessible 24/7/365, and they’re also FREE. Join here

How does The Explanation survive financially? It’s “pay what you want.” If you can’t afford anything, it remains FREE. Otherwise, you “pay what you can,” considering the country you live in, your state of employment, and the means at your disposal. Join here

Here are Your Bonuses

  • You have lifelong access to the Bible course only if you Join here
  • The course uses “gamification techniques” to motivate 91% to finish
  • You can leave comments and ask questions throughout the course, and Sam will answer you only if you Join here
  • You’ll be enriched by the questions and comments of all the other students if you Join here
  • You’ll have immediate access to the monthly LIVE Q&A SESSIONS if you join
  • You can opt-out anytime… but only if you opt-in
  • The ultimate bonus is it took me a few years to develop this no-hassle method, and you can learn it in days. Join here

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain; this is a no-brainer, so join the 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew NOW. It’s time you reached the God-intended original meaning of Scripture. Last reminder: only if you JOIN the course will I invite you to the LIVE Q&A SESSIONS.

Dig Deeper into The Explanation

Online Study Courses to Uncover the Mystery of Adam and Eve’s Nakedness… with no fuss. Free video mini-course revealing the God-intended meaning of Scripture via Biblical Hebrew. It’s so easy, it’ll blow you away. Join now and add new motivation to your Bible study.

Join The Explanation Newsletter to stay informed of updates. and future events. No obligations, total privacy, unsubscribe anytime, if you want.

The Explanation series of seven books. Free to read online or purchase these valuable commentaries on Genesis 1-3 from your favorite book outlet. E-book and paperback formats are available. Use this link to see the details of each book and buy from your favorite store.

The Explanation book covers

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