by Sam Kneller | Jun 13, 2019 | > Read Origin oH online, 5. Mind and Theory of Everything
The theory of everything. It is only complete when it includes the entire Universe, human consciousness, and even the spiritual. The theory of everything is the pot of gold scientists wish to find. Yet, the physical, visible, tangible, measurable Universe is the basis...
by Sam Kneller | Jun 6, 2019 | > Read Origin oH online, 5. Mind and Theory of Everything
Human brain is the focal point of the mind-body problem. This breakthrough transformative article solves this issue once and for all. The human brain allows us both to pay attention and be at the center of our attention. We use our human brain to figure out how the...
by Sam Kneller | May 23, 2019 | > Read Origin oH online, 5. Mind and Theory of Everything
Human software. The mind is like software. God endowed Adam with neshama, which transformed him into a human being. Human software is similar, but certainly not precisely like computer software. God breathed neshama into Adam and activated his consciousness, mind, and...
by Sam Kneller | May 16, 2019 | > Read Origin oH online, 5. Mind and Theory of Everything
Animal spirit is different from spirit animal. However, associating animal and human character reveals there's an animal-human relationship. Animal spirit is not something we talk much about in Western culture. On the other hand, there is quite a bit of talk about...
by Sam Kneller | May 9, 2019 | > Read Origin oH online, 5. Mind and Theory of Everything
The Holy Spirit of God works directly with human beings. It is the indispensable link used by God for the original creation. And it can interreact with every man and woman. The Holy Spirit of God is the force applied by God for two primary functions. He uses this...
by Sam Kneller | May 2, 2019 | > Read Origin oH online, 5. Mind and Theory of Everything
The human mind and mind power. The combination that characterizes and animates only human beings; this is the essence of neshama and ruach The Human mind, neshama, and mind power, ruach are the fundamental components of each human being. They confer our consciousness...
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