- 1 Humans and their equations are the most difficult to solve. Humankind is unpredictable, and its behavior very controversial. Why are we humans such an enigma?
- 1.1 1 #AuditSpace
- 1.2 2 #AuditAtmosphere #AuditClimate
- 1.3 3 #AuditWater
- 1.4 4 #AuditLand #AuditPollution #AuditResources #AuditEcology #AuditEnvironment
- 1.5 5 #AuditFlora
- 1.6 6 #AuditFauna
- 1.7 7 #AuditLife
- 1.8 8 #AuditHumanBody
- 1.9 9 #AuditBrainMind #AuditBrain #AuditMind
- 1.10 10 #AuditHumanSingularity
- 1.11 11 #AuditHumansFunction
- 1.12 12 #AuditHumansSocialize
- 1.13 Dig Deeper into The Explanation
Humans and their equations are the most difficult to solve. Humankind is unpredictable, and its behavior very controversial. Why are we humans such an enigma?
Humans, with their unbridled imagination and ingenuity, have managed to involve themselves in just about everything that affects our planet. The sacred book (if there is one) must answer questions about this interplay between us humans and the surrounding world we live in and on which we depend.
(Origin of the Universe, chapter 2.4)
What follows is an outline of the second book of The Explanation series, Audit of the Universe, in the form of social network hashtags (used on FB, T, G+, and Pin). One article accompanies the hashtags dealing with that subject and a universal question for which humans sit around and debate possible solutions (plural). THE sacred book must give us THE answer, and ALL these answers must be pieces that fit together to form the coherent, complete puzzle picture.
You can find the hashtag outline for the series The Explanation on this page.
You can find the hashtags with hundreds of articles with my comments about The Explanation here. And, when you’re reading an interesting article in any media, you can use these hashtags to enhance the library of information of how humankind functions and affects our Universe.
1 #AuditSpace
Orbiting ‘space nation’ data centre could avoid all Earthly laws #Laws control #international waters but not so ‘space’. It’s a ‘free-for-all’ and some of taking advantage of this vacuum. Who does #space belong to? #theExplanation #AuditSpace
(Origin of the Universe chapter 2.2.3)
2 #AuditAtmosphere #AuditClimate
Carbon Dioxide Levels on the Increase Worldwide. What’s Happening? Is the #COP 21 #climate agreement history or actuality? What is the state of affairs of #Earths #atmosphere? #theExplanation #AuditAtmosphere
3 #AuditWater
Air guns used in offshore oil exploration can kill tiny marine life #zooplankton killed off, commercial #fish species endangered. Maybe we need #oil but we also need fish. The dilemma needing both when the obtention of one obliterates the other. What do you do? #theExplanation #AuditWater
4 #AuditLand #AuditPollution #AuditResources #AuditEcology #AuditEnvironment
Developing countries: Growing threat of urban waste dumps By 2025 it will be enough to fill a line of #rubbish trucks 5,000 kilometers long every day. This is a real down-to-conundrum. Some #cities have made great #progress to improve but globally who is facing this issue? #theExplanation #AuditPollution
5 #AuditFlora
Reassess dam building in the Amazon This article says: The framework avoids the common pitfall of evaluating each dam in isolation. It’s not just #dams. Have we forgotten that everything … and I mean everything to do with our planet, within the Universe, is connected. It’s a puzzle with the all the pieces assembled … perfectly. It’s coherent completeness. With 17% of the world’s fresh #water supplies the #Amazon is a huge reservoir. What are we doing? #theExplanation #AuditWater #AuditFlora
6 #AuditFauna
Ocean Life Eats Tons of Plastic—Here’s Why That Matters #Humankind has turned the world’s #oceans into what #scientists call a “plastic soup.” And guess who the end #consumer of this soup is? You and me. We’re chewing on our own #garbage. #theExplanation #AuditFauna #AuditPollution
7 #AuditLife
Frequency dependence limits divergent #evolution by favoring rare immigrants over residents This is a very short introduction to a complex aspect of evolution. My opinion is that you can’t know if one plus one is going to equal two. More complexity to an already complex subject. #theExplanation #AuditLife
8 #AuditHumanBody
New concerns raised over value of #genome-wide disease studies This article states: These ‘peripheral’ #DNA variants probably act through complex biochemical regulatory networks to influence the activity of a few ‘core’ #genes that are more directly connected to an illness. It’s time to realize how complex the body is and how #plasticity plays a role in making each human an individuality. #theExplanation #AuditBody
9 #AuditBrainMind #AuditBrain #AuditMind
Genes, Ions, and Other New Frontiers in Psychiatry This article is complex but a rapid perusal by the uninitiated reveals that dealing with the disorders of the #brain and mind #are not easy–at all. One of the key questions is: can brain #medication fix the mind? A more fundamental question is: What’s the difference between the brain and mind? #theExplanation #AuditBrainMind
10 #AuditHumanSingularity
Why Migrants Keep Risking All on the ‘Deadliest Route’ Beyond social, financial and political pressure why do humans practically always try to get ahead? What incites them to improve their lot in life? #theExplanation #AuditHumanSingularity
#AuditInventiveness #AuditCreation
25 Great Songs About Following Your Callings Living the authentic life … overflowing with passion … we love those uplifting songs. Worldwide humans crave leading an exciting vibrant full life. Why does humankind have that spark within them? A spark we spend a lifetime igniting and transforming into personal glow. #theExplanation #AuditHumanSingularity
The 1 Skill College Students Wish Their Parents Taught Them It’s emotional preparedness includes the ability to: Take care of oneself; Adapt to new environments; Control negative #emotions or #behavior; and Build positive #relationships. This is the basis of #human #society starting with the #individual and then their circle, particularly their #family. #theExplanation #AuditEmotions
Your Old Cell Phone Can Help Save the Rain Forest Why is it that humankind possesses both positive and negative #genius to do immense good and harm? #theExplanation #AuditHumanSingularity
No Confessing Our Partner’s Sins A good guideline is to search out the part that we contributed to the #breakdown. It is enormously helpful when both #partners agree to #mutual #accountability. Only then can a positive shift take place in the #conversation. #theExplanation #AuditMarriage #AuditCommunication
Three Steps to Elevate Your Perspective Why can each one of us have #thoughts? Allow #stimuli into our #consciousness? Have #opinions, #knowledge, #dreams, and #values. #Human #minds continually explore new #perspectives as we face #challenges. #theExplanation #AuditHumanSingularity
#AuditHumanResponsibility (sk: this is something we should learn as a child)
The Humanity of Regret Basic #humanity is the innate capacity for interest in the well-being of others. In #adversity it motivates sacrifice. In #emergency it motivates #rescue. It allows us to grow beyond the limitations of personal #experience and #prejudice. The more in touch with basic humanity, the more humane we feel. When out of touch with it, we feel less humane. #theExplanation #AuditHumanSingularity
11 #AuditHumansFunction
1) #AuditHumanNature
Varieties of Truth? This is a must read article for anyone really interested in finding #truth. It clearly explains what truth is, where it comes from and how to be careful in ascertaining it. In a #world of free-flowing #information can we really know what truth is? #theExplanation #AuditBehavior #AuditHumanNature
2) #AuditFreeWill
3) #AuditBehavior
Negative Behavior: #AuditSociety #AuditFamine #AuditTerrorism
Should we stop saying ‘commit’ suicide? Semantics about a serious matter. Minor cogitations about a major growing issue touching all #ages in #society today. How can we better prevent such #suicide? #theExplanation #AuditBehavior
How Do You Know If Supplement Claims Are Hype or Truth? There’s a How Do You Know If Supplement Claims Are Hype or Truth? There’s an increasing number of #fraudulent claims associated with #nutritional and #fitness products in the market. Why are #producers and #distributors #lying in the first place? #theExplanation #AuditHealth #AuditLies
War and violence drive 80% of humans fleeing to Europe by sea, not economics #Family #insecurity and #fear. Country riddled with #conflict, #torture, forced labor and #sexual #violence drive #refugees to seek safer havens. The real problem is #leadership, or lack of it, in the home countries. Why and what’s the solution? #theExplanation #AuditViolence
Microdosers say tiny hits of LSD make your work and life better Microdosers say tiny hits of LSD make your work and life better #Anxiety, #depression and #wellbeing. All are top-of-the-list health issues today along with #selfmedication. Why is it that in the most advanced #society on Earth we have such conundrums? What have we missed regarding mental health? #theExplanation #AuditDrugs #AuditHealth
Victims of American Hedonism Counted in Millions of Unborn The origin of #abortion. Prominent new-left theorists, such as Herbert Marcuse, championed Sigmund #Freud’s “pleasure principle.” Marcuse argued – and campus radicals eagerly embraced – the notion that #sex was the key to #individual fulfillment. #Marriage and the traditional #family were to be subverted through sexual perversity and #promiscuity. It was Marcuse who coined the phrase “Make love, not war.” #theExplanation #AuditSex
Can Marriage Survive When Your Child Dies Under Your Watch? Very poignant, very real, be it #death or an #accident. I believe one of the keys to #recovery is looking beyond the circumstances that caused the incident to be able to understand what death is and why it even exists. Yes, this sounds preposterous … but, is it possible to know? #theExplanation #AuditAnxiety
U.S. Vows Tougher Action on North Korea After Missile Test Each day brings its rhetoric regarding North #Korea. How do you deal with a total recalcitrant #person, #community or #nation? #theExplanation #AuditBehavior
Positive Behavior: #AuditTruth #AuditCourage #AuditONG #AuditUN #AuditVolunteer #AuditCharity
Why Ikea’s flatpack refugee shelter won design of the year Making a difference for #refugees. Some positive news of #shelters and #dwellings that really work. #Philanthropy is alive and helping where it can. #theExplanation #AuditBehavior
4) #AuditEthics #AuditRules #AuditMorality
The ethics issue: The 10 biggest moral dilemmas in science We know that #ethics are important, but what role do they play in #humankind’s #behavior? Who has the #responsibility and #authority to establish and enforce ethics? Maybe we should get back to the basic #questions first. #theExplanation #AuditEthics
5) #AuditJustice #AuditLove #AuditDiscipline
Medicine: Heroes of global health A film, Bending the Arc, discusses what can be done to improve world health. Its name is based on a quote from nineteenth-century social reformer Theodore Parker, who said that society’s actions arc towards justice over time. Is society tending to more or less justice? #theExplanation #AuditJustice #AuditHealth
6) #AuditChange #AuditRepentance #AuditSorrow #AuditConscience
Why What I Hate in You Also Says Something about Me Really knowing one’s #inner #self and taking action to #correct it are two of the hardest aspects of #behavior #human-beings have to accomplish. Why is this inward search so difficult? #theExplanation #AuditChange
7) #AuditForgiveness
12 #AuditHumansSocialize
Iraqi Christians targeted for deportation face ‘death sentence’ in Iraq, lawyers say Reading this makes one realize how complex our social problems have become. #Globalization is a reality that includes ethnicity, religiosity, #nationalism, internationalism. The bottom line is: how should humans socialize? From individuals > communities > nations we’re all intermingled but we don’t have common values, responsibilities and obligations. Where (if they exist) are the standards for #humankind? #theExplanation #AuditHumansSocialize
Lead by Listening In the Western #world, ‘#Social #Sciences’ are taking the lead over ‘Physical Sciences’. Interest in the needs of ‘#people’ has emerged as a priority. Each person is an #individual with a different #history and #story. Yes, to help a fellow #human-being we need to let THEIR story emerge within the context of a trusting relationship. Why are #relationships so important? #theExplanation #AuditRelationships
YOUR CHILDREN ARE WATCHING, DADS The question of the role of #men, be it in #Church or out is raised? What is the role of #male and #female? #theExplanation #AuditIndividuals
#AuditMen #AuditMale
Is There Really a Boy Crisis? Maybe we need to define the #role of the #male #gender. Only when we know why males exist can we begin to define how to help #men and #boys. #theExplanation #AuditMale
#AuditWomen #AuditFemale
Feeling Lonely? Talk to a Woman the #foundation of an #interaction that reduces #loneliness is the feeling that you’ve been #understood by the other person. When you believe the other person “gets” you — or at least an aspect of you — you instantly feel more seen and known, which is a precursor to feeling more #connected. #Women play a very important role in #relationships. #theExplanation #AuditFemale
When Does Your Relationship Feel Most Valuable to You? Finding a 100% #compatible #couple is utopic. There are always complementary and contrasting interests between two #people. Why is it that interests draw #couples together or drive them apart? Why is there #attraction and repulsion? #theExplanation #AuditCouples
I don’t want to have sex with my husband any more #Passion, #love, #marriage, #family and … #sex. How do they all mesh? Should they all mesh? Is there a reason for a long-lasting relationship and what’s the key? #theExplanation #AuditMarriage #AuditSex
When Spirituality and Sexuality Clash #Sex and #spirituality, conflict or compatible? #theExplanation #AuditSex
Heroes’ Origins: Must Superheroes Suffer Parental Loss? A revealing 15 minute video about the influence of #parents on the future of a #child’s life. Parents play a very important role in the #family. #theExplanation #AuditParents
Father Absence, Father Deficit, Father Hunger Remember ‘Father knows best?’ Well, they don’t know it all the time but #fathers are half the reason a #child is there and #parenting, for best results, needs both the #mother and the father together. Why is the traditional #family so important? What is father’s role? #theExplanation #AuditFather
Mothers, Daughters, and Relationships Helping your daughter navigate her own relationships is no cakewalk. The relationship between #mother and #daughter is priceless… not to mention that between father and daughter. They guide and prepare children to become adolescents, then adults then parents. These are intimate relationships shared only by human beings in a social organization we call the #family. What place does family play in society today? #theExplanation #AuditHumansSocialize
Buyer Beware: Two New Apps Your Tweens Should Avoid The only control of use of apps by youngsters is by #parents. Parents communicating with their #children. There’s an indelible #family #relationship that needs to be nurtured. What are the respective roles of the family, parents and children? #theExplanation #AuditFamily
#AuditChildRearing AuditParenting
Youngsters Encouraged to Kill Possum Joeys in New Zealand Has #killing become so mundane that we allow #kids to participate in #animal #extermination hunts? What does this do to a #child’s #mind? #theExplanation #AuditFauna #AuditChildRearing
Colombia legally recognizes union between three men We are just helping humans realize that there are different types of #love and different types of #family. A new #relationship. What and why are there such social unions as marriage and family? #theExplanation #AuditFamily
Panama cuts formal ties with #Taiwan in favor of China Inexorably #geopolitical relationships are shifting from West to East. Can a country, no matter how strong it thinks it is, be isolationist in a world where other nations are developing and flexing their muscles? #theExplanation #AuditNations
Central Americans, ‘Scared of What’s Happening’ in U.S., Stay Put #Hondurans sit tight and endure the #poverty and #violence that have driven hundreds of thousands to seek work and sanctuary in the #United #States in recent years. Why can’t local #government in these Central American countries get their act together? #theExplanation #AuditGovernment
European Nuclear Weapons Program Would Be Legal, German Review Finds Because of the possible loss of the #American guarantees that have safeguarded and united European allies since World War II there are indications that the idea of a #European #nuclear program has escalated from informal discussion to official policy-making channels. #theExplanation #AuditEurope
Israel and Hezbollah are heading for a new, devastating war in the Middle East The article states: This incredibly unstable and violent moment in #geopolitics is undermining the central element that kept #Israel and #Hezbollah from overstepping each other’s red lines: fear, or rather a balance of fear based on the belief that the next #conflict will be devastating for all sides. #theExplanation #AuditMiddleEast
#AuditWorld Globalization
13 #AuditHumansProduce
As anti-G20 protests begin, Merkel says growth must be inclusive The #rich get richer while the #poor get poorer. We need some sort of distribution of #wealth and #consumption of sustainable #resources. How can we have inclusive #economic #growth rather than individual #prosperity. #theExplanation #AuditEconomics
Lone Star Tick Bites Are Making People Allergic to Red Meat #Allergies are on the rise. Is the glass of our #health getting fuller or emptier? #theExplanation #AuditHealth
#AuditScience Past—Prehistory—Paleontology—Archaeology – Evolution
Taxonomy anarchy hampers conservation The classification of complex organisms is in chaos. There is disagreement as to what a ‘species’ is and this leads to a free-for-all in the way biologists worldwide are classifying animals, birds, fish and insects. What is the real reason? #AuditoftheUniverse from #theExplanation
Scientists Discovered a Giant Crocodile With T-Rex Teeth One must ask the question why would a #crocodile with this massive size develop on such a small island as #Madagascar? #theExplanation #AuditPreHistory
#AuditTechnology Future – Transhumanism
AI summit aims to help world’s poorest Artificial Intelligence is a science of the future. Raising machines to do what humans accomplish. Starting with thinking and decision-making based on options … even new never thought of options before. We call this inventing. A vast domain with huge potential but how can AI and #robotics be guided to address humanity’s most enduring problems, such as poverty, malnutrition and inequality. Can we close the gulf between #AI and the poor, or will that gulf grow? #theExplanation #AuditHumanityProduces
14 #AuditHumansReason
The Enigma of Reason (review) Why do we #humans ‘reason’? I would add, with our #minds? This is a very short #review and you can read the article, but the key here is that #researchers ask this question about #humankind. The answer is vital, and The Explanation devotes a full chapter to how we reason, while Origin of the Universe will answer that #question. #theExplanation #AuditHumanityReasons
1) #AuditLeadership
War and violence drive 80% of people fleeing to Europe by sea, not economics #Family #insecurity and #fear. Country riddled with #conflict, #torture, forced labor and #sexual #violence drive #refugees to seek safer havens. The real problem is #leadership, or lack of it, in the home countries. Why and what’s the solution? #theExplanation #AuditViolence
2) #AuditPhilosophy
Why the Five Stages of Grief Are Wrong They were somewhat designed to soften some of the #stigma associated with #death and ended up changing the way much of the #world thought about death. Therein is the key: what is death? Unless we can truly define what death is, real help is limited. #theExplanation #AuditPhilosophy
3) #AuditScience #Facts #Knowledge
4) #AuditReligion
A #Meditation on Love and Loss The author says, I believe that the purpose of death is the release of love. Is ‘belief’ reality? How can we know the purpose of #love, #loss and even #death? #theExplanation #AuditReligion
Who can answer all these ethereal but real questions? Can humans? The conclusion of Audit of the Universe shows that humans can NOT answer them. So we have two options:
- The questions remain unanswered.
- We look to another s/Source for answers. It is this latter channel we’re following. That is the role of Theology: To find the s/Source’s answers–not what humans might imagine or interpret regarding this s/Source.
This way, for the answers to the why questions we humans are asking right now.
This blog post is an excerpt from chapter 2.4 of Origin of the Universe
Dig Deeper into The Explanation
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