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We all have big questions in life. As human beings, that’s normal. We all want answers, that’s also normal. But where do you find them? Here’s a clue.

Answering the Big Questions in Life is one thing we'd all like to do. Here's how you can begin to do just that.

Answering the Big Questions in Life is one thing we’d all like to do. Here’s how you can begin to do just that.


I just heard on the news here in France that a laboratory in Lyon has succeeded in ‘creating artificial spermatozoid’. When I hear statements like that I wonder… has man really created life? Can man create life? One of those big questions in life.

In actual fact the sperm is ‘created’ from a cell from the testicle. The word ‘created’ is an exaggeration and would probably better be rendered ‘reformatted’ and the origin of the sperm is a living cell. Yes, this is definitely a scientific exploit, but it is not the ‘creation’ of anything living. So, the questions, how did life start? Where does life come from? And so many others related to this subject remain.

So, how do YOU answer the big questions in life?

Each of us calls on their ‘worldview’: our accumulated knowledge, memories, wisdom, education … all our ‘baggage,’ to put together all the pieces of the puzzle that life has given us. In so doing we formulate an overall picture of what we think ‘life is all about’.

There are so many pieces to this puzzle that amongst the 7 billion people who walk the Earth, I dare to say, no two people have identical worldviews, not even identical twins. Quite a story about the diversity of how our minds think… but also the divergence of opinions on any and every particular field of thinking.

Is it any wonder that we can’t find lasting peace between people and nations given this state of affairs.

I’ve just written a report: Answering the Big Questions in Life‘ and I encourage you to download your FREE copy. Answering those  questions begins by analyzing your worldview. What is the basis of your beliefs? (I’m NOT talking about religion). Why do you have the cultural, political, national outlook you do? Why do you take your particular stance when it comes to issues about the family? education? health? etc. Those are your  ‘beliefs’. This report will help you scrutinize not simply your beliefs but their BASIS.

How did we arrive at those beliefs in the first place? What are your beliefs based on? Is the foundation solid or wabbly? At a given stage in history people believed the world was flat and you could fall of the edge. Imagine if that were your BASIS (today there are a few that still do believe this) when it came to deciding to travel to Australia of China from the USA!

You KNOW that the world is round and you have the right basis. But how do you KNOW, 100%, for sure, that you have the RIGHT BASIS in other areas of your belief system?

Answering the Big Questions in Life delves into four factors at the basis of what you Believe. This booklet is food for thought. If the basis is off kilter… how can the rest be straight? If the foundation is tilted, what will the rest of the building look like? How solid is the base of our beliefs?

Here are the Four Foundational Pillars of our Belief System:

1. Experience

We all have had experiences that have shaped and molded us into the characters and personalities we are today. We create a story from the events that occur along the way so that we can make sense of what has happened, and how to best prepare for the future. Our stories, based in our experience, also help us identify new and beneficial opportunities. We come up with answers to many of life’s questions through trial and error in the context of our interpersonal relationships.

Hopefully, we learn from our mistakes and successes. Many personal and business failures have been the start of successful careers, simply be-cause the experience gained and the lessons learned have been invaluable in developing new ventures. Here’s where an open mind is not only necessary but vital to both analyze and admit one’s errors in organization, wrong choices, or money mismanagement.

Some favor their and other’s experience over the other three pillars. Can the pillar of experience be the cornerstone of a worldview?

2. Reasoning


We have all asked ‘why’ one time or another. Human beings crave to know the reason or the meaning of life.
We look for logical explanations for the world around us. We want and need our world views to “make sense”. This is an essential part of developing a coherent world view. To achieve this goal, we look to the process of reason, or logic.

Think of reason as a logical progression of statements—almost like a formula. We start with one statement and use reasoning to lead us to a conclusion. Using reason we can explain why things happened or didn’t happen, and what we can expect in the future. Reasoning can provide us with the “reasons” we accept a belief as true.

Some favor their and other’s reasoning and philosophy over the other three pillars. Can the pillar of reasoning alone be the cornerstone of a worldview?

3. Science

The scientific method is, by many in our global society, seen as a legitimate method, if not the only legitimate method of acquiring knowledge about the world in which we all live. It is a process with 6 steps: 1) Ask a question, 2) Do background research, 3) construct a hypothesis, 4) Test your hypothesis by doing an experiment, 5) Analyze your data and draw a conclusion and 6) Communicate your results.

The most significant question that gives credibility to the scientific method is: Is there anything beyond our senses that could be real? Those who rely solely on the scientific method answer “No” claiming that only information we can draw from the five senses can determine what is real. If it can’t be tested in a way that can be repeated and re-tested, confirmed by the five senses of others, then it is rejected.

Over the last couple of centuries scientists have expanded our understanding about the largest and the smallest. With powerful radio telescopes, satellites and spacecraft humanity has reached the edges of the known universe which we’ve measured and mapped. With electron microscopes and the Large Hadron Collider, we have peered into the atom and pierced the minutest particles.

Basic scientific fields like physics, chemistry, biology, and newer one like neuroscience and cosmology, have broadened our knowledge immensely.

Some favor science over the other three pillars. Can the pillar of science alone be the cornerstone of a worldview?

4. Religion

In some areas, religion has a strong influence on a culture—they can even be interwoven—while in other cases, there’s a distinction between the general culture and a religious belief system. We see the clash between culture and religious systems in various parts of our world. A degree to which a distinction can be drawn between culture and religion depends on your geographical location.

As we grow into adulthood, many people continue to hold the world view in which they were raised. If we come from religious families, we tend to identify with that religion.

Some favor religion over the other three pillars. Can the pillar of religion be the cornerstone of a worldview?

The Four Pillars

We all have worldviews that are supported by the the four pillars of: experience, reasoning, science and religion. I encourage you to download the FREE report: Answering the Big Questions in Life. Are you open enough to take a look at your belief system? If you want to begin searching for The Explanation then, this booklet is for you.

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The Explanation series of seven books. Free to read online or purchase these valuable commentaries on Genesis 1-3 from your favorite book outlet. E-book and paperback formats are available. Use this link to see the details of each book and buy from your favorite store.

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