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What are the basic questions that need answers to bring peace and prosperity to Earth?

Contrast and questions: New World Cup Stadium, Natal, Brazil and Favela in Rio. This poses a number of questions about how to bring peace and prosperity to Earth (click for credit)

Contrast and questions: New World Cup Stadium, Natal, Brazil and Favela in Rio. This poses a number of questions about how to bring peace and prosperity to Earth (click for credit)

It’s 20 June 2014 and we’re in the midst of the World Cup in Brazil. I live in France and tonight France plays Switzerland. France won its first game against Honduras and expectations are high, but the Swiss will be tougher customers.

Why does mankind organize worldwide sports confrontations like the World Cup, the Olympic Games? Only mankind does this. What’s in humankind  pushing them to such heady heights? Where does this motivation and desire to put forth such effort originate?

So far we’ve had some exciting matches and some unexpected upsets like the elimination of World Champion Spain who lost their first two matches… But I want to go beyond the scores, the wins and the losses and ask some fundamental questions.

  • Why do we pit nations against nations in team sports?
  • Why do coaches try to create a ‘team spirit’?
  • Why do you sometimes have discord between players?
  • Why can you have an opposition between a coach and his players?
  • How and why is strategy devised?
  • Why is there such a desire to win? And to be world champion?

I could go on and on with this list of questions. And I could even ask more pointed ones like: how was the money invested in the World Cup really used? What happened to people whose favela homes have been demolished? Why have huge sums been spent on sport when health and education are crying out for funds?

Yes, there are hundreds of questions about why mankind, nations, leaders, families, individuals, men and women, you and I do what we do, act the way we act, be it for good or bad.

But, frankly, is there a coherent EXPLANATION as to WHY our planet’s occupants act this way? And even more importantly, HOW are we going to solve these issues? Is there an EXPLANATION that gives a valid solution, solid answers to the above question?

That’s why I’m writing the Explanation. Not an easy undertaking by any means, but certainly necessary in our day and age. It is going to take you onto untreaded ground that should be quite a learning experience for you. It has been just that for me.

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