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The human mind, the last and biggest enigma yet to be solved. What is it? How does it function? Today we will see its location.

The human mind, where is it located? Is it part of the brain or is it a network that functions throughout the body?

The human mind, where is it located? Is it part of the brain, or is it a network that functions throughout the body?

The human mind is an essential, if not the critical piece, in the puzzle of the Universe. The Explanation proposes to put all the pieces of the puzzle of the Universe together in a coherent, complete way. That’s quite an undertaking. To do so, The Explanation started, in the book Inventory of the Universe, to define what the fundamental puzzle pieces are. Audit of the Universe explains more about how these pieces interlock and primarily how humanity is affecting them.
(Audit of the Universe, chapter 9.1)

Let’s discuss the human mind. That is a tautology, two terms that mean the same thing. Having a mind defines what a human being is; humans alone possess a mind. A mind makes a human, human.

Think about this statement. Everything humans do is only because they possess a mind. Everything humans do can only be explained based on the human mind.

Think about this statement. Everything humans do is only because they possess a mind. Everything humans do can only be explained based on the human mind. Share on X

Scrutinize these 160+ following puzzle pieces. How can we explain ALL these words wholly and coherently? Answer these questions regarding each piece: Where can you find these intangible elements in the human body? Are they part of the human body? Are they part of a member of the human body? What’s the common denominator, the curvature of each piece, that makes them all fit together in humans, perfectly?

Acceptance, Acedia, Acute stress reaction, Adoration, Aesthetic emotions, Affection, Affective science, Ambivalence, Amusement, Anger, Angst, Anguish, Annoyance, Anticipation, Antipathy, Anxiety, Apathy, Arousal, Artistic inspiration, Aversion to happiness, Awe, Biological basis of love, Boredom, Calmness, Cognitive bias in animals, Compassion, Confidence, Confusion, Contempt, Contentment, Courage, Curiosity, Defeatism, Depression (mood), Desire, Diligence, Disappointment, Disgust, Distrust, Doubt, Ecstasy (emotion), Embarrassment, Emotion, Emotion and memory, Emotion classification, Emotion in animals,

Emotion perception, Emotion work, Emotional bias, Emotional competence, Emotional contagion, Emotional exhaustion, Emotional expression, Emotional intelligence, Emotional literacy, Emotional security, Emotional self-regulation, Emotions and culture, Emotions in virtual communication, Empathy, Emptiness, Enthusiasm, Envy, Epiphany (feeling), Euphoria, Euthymia (medicine), Evolution of emotion, Fear, Forgiveness, Four Cornerstone Model of Emotional Intelligence, Frustration, Functional accounts of emotion, Gratification, Gratitude, Grief, Group emotion, Guilt (emotion),

Han (cultural), Happiness, Hatred, Homeostatic emotion, Homesickness, Hope, Horror and terror, Hostility, Hubris, Humiliation, Hysteria, Infatuation, Insult, Interest (emotion), Interpersonal attraction, Irritability, Isolation (psychology), Jealousy, Jealousy in art, Joy, Limerence, Loneliness, Love, Lust, Melancholia, Meta-emotion, Mimpathy, Miscarriage and grief, Mono no aware, Mourning sickness, Neuroticism, Nostalgia,

Oculesics, Optimism, Outrage (emotion), Outrage porn, Pain, Panic, Panic disorder, Paranoia, Passion (emotion), Pessimism, Pity, Pleasure, Pride, Psychomotor agitation, Rage (emotion), Recluse, Regret, Regulation of emotion, Relaxation (psychology), Remorse, Resentment, Revenge, Reverence (emotion), Righteous indignation, Rush (psychology), Sadness, Saudade, Schadenfreude, Sehnsucht, Self-confidence, Self-love, Self-pity, Sentimentality, Shame,

Shyness, Social emotions, Social sharing of emotions, Sociology of emotions, Solitude, Sorrow (emotion), Spite (sentiment), Stimulation, Suffering, Surprise (emotion), Suspense, Suspicion (emotion), Sympathy, Trust (emotion), Vicarious embarrassment, Weltschmerz, Wonder (emotion), Worry, Zest (positive psychology),

Yes, I’m trying to impress you. Impress on your ‘mind’ the realization that this vast diversity of emotions, sentiments, moods, psychological, and medical attitudes has a specific and definite position in the billions-of-pieces puzzle that constitutes the Universe.

To understand humans and their role in the Universe, you must be able to make sense of these various attitudes. How about their opposition and intensity? Most of them are necessary and proper reactions at a given point in time, under particular circumstances. How do we explain that precisely these same attitudes animate all human beings, worldwide, whether they’ve lived in tightly-knit communities or remote hinterlands? What is the common denominator that has brought about this ever-so fundamental observation?

I know you’re not a doctor, psychologist or scientist–but you know where your arms, your brain, your heart, and your gut are. We talked about in the previous chapter. So, here’s something we hear all the time: Think! Where do these moods, sentiments, and emotions reside in your body, if they’re in your body at all?

Yes, these are a lot of questions–and I will answer them. There is so much contradiction and misguided information out there. However, if you come down to basics, you can home in on the answer. I really would like you to come to the proper conclusion yourself. It’s there to see, so here are some clues to guide you.

Look at this page filled with idioms about the human mind. Can you substitute ‘brain’ for ‘mind’ in these idioms and have the same meaning? Below are a few examples from that page:

  • State of mind
  • Piece of one’s mind
  • Speak one’s mind
  • It’s mind-boggling
  • Be of one mind
  • and on and on it goes
  • I could politely say, you’re out of your mind if you can’t see that even colloquial language differentiates the brain and the mind. It places the ‘human mind’ on a level that is higher than the physical organ we call the brain. The human mind is where the intellect, the thinking process, and reasoning take place.

Here’s another list of about 100 action verbs performed by the cognitive—the human mind. Of course, there’s a relationship between the brain and the other parts of the body which accomplish the physical execution of these activities. You write and repair with your hands; you explain with your mouth, but the human mind makes the decisions of what to write, and how you repair or explain.

You can group the above cognitive actions into six categories: Knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation–all activities of the human mind. Very similar to these: Believing, blaming, catastrophism, determination, egotism, imagining, judging, jumping to conclusions, negativism, positivism, stress, or stubbornness. Neither your brain, nor the neuronal circuits, nor your heart, nor your gut–all organs in your body–imagine, judge, believe or originate negativism or egotism.

Robots and AI

The latest technological craze is robots and artificial intelligence (AI). Predictions are that within 5-10-20-50 years we’ll create a robot that will be able to supplant a human. In other words, humans are replaceable. There are even sci-fi movies with this theme, 2001: A Space Odyssey with HAL 9000 being the precursor.

Here’s an article that lauds the ability of computers that whop humans at intricate games like chess and Go. After a month a computer had developed its poker game (mastering the bluff and deceptiveness of this game) to the point of winning 1.7 million fictitious dollars from four professional poker players.

Oh yes, computers can learn and develop better programs and methods as our poker playing machine demonstrates. What you have to realize is that it is all about computations. Whereas a human chess player can think about a few dozen moves, a computer can think about millions of options. The more it perfects its computational capabilities, which it does by playing and teaching itself, the better it gets and the more easily it wins.

But, here’s the question, way beyond algorithms and computations. Can a robot, which is nothing more than a dressed-up computer, ever develop the attitudes, moods, sentiments, emotions, and feelings we’ve briefly discussed in this blog post? Those attitudes are just a part of what identifies human beings (the next chapter is about the singularity of humankind). Each of our personalities, so different one from another, is a combination of all these sentiments and feelings. Can and will robots express human personality and character?

Can and will the most sophisticated robot, which is nothing more than a dressed-up computer ever develop the attitudes, moods, personality, sentiments, emotions, and feelings we've briefly discussed in this blog post? Share on X

I believe you are well enough equipped to cut through the hype and answer that question. The human body is not a computer. Brain health and that of other organs can inhibit or enhance moods, emotions, and cognitive activity. But the human mind is not a body part; it is not part of a part; it is not a combination of components; it is not a network of parts. When we’re talking about the human mind, we include common sense. You’re equipped with common sense, the ability to put two and two together and trump scientific jargon with right thinking.

As we develop the definition of the human mind, I’ll give you quotes from open-minded scientists who have looked at the pros and cons and come to this conclusion.

I will show you WHY the human mind is the focal point of everything in our physical Universe. Its uppermost role in the drama that’s playing out on Earth. Next week we’ll see how humankind is treating this gem, this all-important piece of the puzzle.

This blog post is an excerpt from chapter 9.1 of the book Audit of the Universe.


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