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Evidence for Bible Wisdom is a must-read to establish a basis for understanding the Bible.

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You’re thinking that’s a presumptuous statement and, on the surface, I’d agree. However, with so much fake information circulating and downright negativity regarding the value of the Bible, it’s important to build a firm foundation. We need solid evidence. That bedrock is not doctrine or opinions, it is your and my attitude toward God and His Word.

Fr*e download of Evidence for Bible Wisdom until Sunday, 17 October, midnight, Pacific standard time.

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Here are a couple of simple questions.

  1. Can God inspire His servants to write what God wants, not human meanderings?
  2. Can God preserve His Word through thousands of years of human confusion?

Your answers to those questions color the way you read and study the Bible. Nobody’s saying or asking you to answer 100% yes to either of them. Doubting, especially if you’re not familiar with the Bible, is fully normal. But will you give the Bible a chance to reveal itself to you? Are you ready to put rumored prejudices aside and go at it with an open mind? Everywhere you read, there are picky, tricky jabs calling into question the authenticity and accuracy of the Bible. Do you nod in agreement or stand behind God’s Word?

In an age when major Churches are going through horrendous internal crises when ecclesiastics are responsible for unspeakable immorality, are you letting that barrier get in the way of God’s Word? The Bible is the most forthright book in the world, not hesitant to express the worst crimes of God’s foremost servants. King David, the Apostle Paul, and the Prophet Moses were all murderers. God’s Word holds nothing back, even regarding sexual sins committed by His servants. Of course, there’s remorse and repentance when these people realize their wrongdoings. This is all part of spiritual progress and growing in God’s wisdom. This is not a condonement of sin, it’s the reality of God’s Word.

Evidence for Bible Wisdom is here to set up or even help you reconstruct a favorable outlook and approach to God’s Word. It’s not about doctrine or proselytism or Church. It’s about much bigger and vital subjects to humankind.

Think. If God created humankind, which the Bible states, He did. Then He should be interested in ALL men, women, and children. Not just some Church, wherever it might be, even if that does constitute His closest followers. If he put humans on planet Earth, he must have a reason. WHY did He do it? WHAT is His plan? HOW is He executing it? These are fundamental queries for ALL of humankind. Evidence for Bible Wisdom approaches these primary subjects and gives concrete, coherent answers to the big questions in life.

If you need to restore acceptance, hope, belief, confidence, and conviction in God’s Word, then you must read Evidence for Bible Wisdom. By the way, translations are NOT the basis of The Explanation, comprehension of the depth of the original language is. And a unique easy-to-master Bible study method, evoked in Evidence, will open your mind to more profound Bible understanding.

The Explanation addresses the big questions in life with coherent answers

A word about why The Explanation uses the outstretched hand as its logo, representing our goal.

  1. When we ask a question, we raise an arm with outstretched fingers to seek an answer. We’re all seekers of answers to the big questions in life.The Explanation podcast square logo.
  2. When we have an answer, we raise an arm to show we can solve the problem. But there’s a fuller aspect to the outstretched hand.
  3. We want or must have the coherent and complete answer. Not just any answer will do. The four-piece assembled puzzle in the hand’s palm symbolizes the correct solution. The Explanation refers to coherent completeness, assembly of all the pieces of the puzzle to represent one coherent, complete image. That’s God’s plan, proper theology.

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Bible tools to accompany the books are available at Below is a list of the entire Content of Evidence for Bible Wisdom with links to each section on this website. Easy reading online of all the content of Evidence for Bible Wisdom. But, you should download the ebook and keep it handy for Bible study.


1. Big PictureWorldview. How we see the world through our own eyes. What's our focus and how do we know it's correct?

  1. Can You Build A True Worldview on Opinions?
  2. Is there undeniable Evidence for the Existence of God?
  3. Consciousness, Human Nature, Mind. The Bible definitions.
  4. Nefesh Chaya, the Deep Meaning of Soul
  5. Hardness of heart. How to deal with it.
  6. Sabbath Day. God Rested & We Rest. That’s it?
  7. Biblical Feast Days. Meaning for you.

2. Humankind’s Place on EarthFig leaves or clothing. Human solutions or God's Bible wisdom. You choose.

  1. Fig Leaves or Clothing? Tinker or Build?
  2. How to Govern a Country Responsibly
  3. Leaders and Followers. Organization.
  4. History of Individuals and Nations
  5. Individual Rights vs Collective Rights
  6. Lies are Damaging. Stop Them.

3. Social Relations

  1. Family ties are the basis of society.Family Ties, Gender, Sex, Marriage
  2. The Elderly in our 21st Century Society
  3. Poor, widows, orphans, homeless, unemployed
  4. Slavery, Labor, Working conditions
  5. True Justice in the Old Testament. Savage or Salutary?


4. Rulership

  1. Definition of education. Teaching and learning practical moral Bible wisdom.Education. Teach & Learn to Reach Wisdom
  2. Hygiene Preserves Health
  3. Covid-19 and Bible Quarantine–Practical Advice
  4. Ecology: Home, Country, Land Ethics
  5. Agriculture–Wisdom for the 21st century
  6. Economy. Managing Your House
  7. What are God’s Religious Practices? Why?


  • Is there Evidence for Bible Wisdom? I believe so.


Fr*e download of Evidence for Bible Wisdom until Sunday, 17 October, midnight, Pacific standard time.

Click here now. The price will be “0” in your currency. Get the book via the shopping cart and check-out normally. It is Fr*e.

Happy and profitable reading, 🙂


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The Explanation series of seven books. Free to read online or purchase these valuable commentaries on Genesis 1-3 from your favorite book outlet. E-book and paperback formats are available. Use this link to see the details of each book and buy from your favorite store.

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