
Human society is composed of social relationships. Humans are the only species that practice sociability worldwide.
Human society is how humankind organizes its interrelationships on an individual, dual, group, national, and international level. How are human institutions doing in today's world? Is the glass of quietude getting fuller or emptier?
(Audit of Humankind, chapter 3.1)
This chapter delves into how society, you and I and the rest of the world population have organized ourselves to try to live in harmony with one another. This should be peaceful cohabitation. The word society comes from the term social. The origin of both these terms is the Latin socius meaning companion, friend, allied.
In the context of Audit of the Universe, we should ask how much real companionship do we have in our personal family relationships? How are we doing with friends, and I don't mean on Facebook? When it comes to allies, look at the world scene, what's the international situation? I'll let you think about the answers, we'll answer some of these queries in the next chapter on human accomplishments.
Social – A life of its own
The term social has taken on a life of its own in the form of social media. Billions of people around the world are pinned to their screens furiously texting, exchanging messages, memes, images, and videos, joining online communities, expanding their social circles. Is their more companionship? more friendship? We talk about a global, mobile world with more international and cross-border travel and interaction than any other time in history. That's human society. Human socialization.
In this 21st century, we have all sorts of human partnership structures, from couples to extended families, to racially mixed neighborhoods. From quaint villages to sprawling urban centers, tiny and huge nations in a world that's everyone's doorstep. These human relationships and event, no matter how trivial or how earth-shattering, become instant buzzwords. See what's trending. This is the nature of social relationships today.
Humans are not hermits. We’re configured to live in couples, families, clans, groups, neighborhoods, cities, states, countries, and together on planet Earth. We group together in clubs, associations, federations. Pubs, bars, and Starbucks pop up on every corner. We need to understand this gregarious nature of humans.
This section explains HOW human society socializes and how we have a tendency to bring quite a number of social and anti-social effects to the table.
This chapter does not answer the question of WHY do humans have social relationships. We are still laying out the pieces of the puzzle on the table as well as turning them right side up. Only when we have a clear vision of all the pieces, can we begin to assemble them in the proper fashion.
Today we have volumes of bits of information at our fingertips. So much so that we're lost in the forest. Inventory of the Universe and these final 6 chapters of Audit of the Universe are designed to focus on facts, not false or speculative information, to complete the presentation of all the pieces of our jigsaw puzzle.
In Origin of the Universe and Origin of Humankind, I will answer all the WHY questions. It has to be one step at a time. We're analyzing the terrain, gathering all the needed building materials and laying a solid foundation before we begin building the structure. Patience, please.
Human society consists of the interaction of men and women among themselves. A vast subject which we shall barely touch on. In such a work as this, it is not my role to be exhaustive. Other works (soon, in Audit of the Universe Reference section) do an admirable job of the detailed examination of these social relationships. In order to grasp an overall picture of human society, I need to present and differentiate the various actors on the stage.
Who are the players? What are their needs and aspirations? How do they form communities and how they or these closely knit groups interact? Does each participant as well as the community have rights and responsibilities?
Human society spans the globe, all human beings are social in nature. What is the role of each cog in this social machine?
In the previous chapter How Humans Function, we saw how each of us has human nature and free will and a choice of behavior. We saw how ethics, justice, self-reproach, and forgiveness are the elements which make humans act the way they should, or not. Working together, I showed that all these elements represent love. That love, the actions of how each one of us applies the seven steps represents an individual’s imprint. That's the love of each individual, not their fingerprint but their loveprint. Each of us has a personal loveprint.
No human being is an island unto himself or herself. We affect those we’re in contact with. Each of us has a social impact. Our loveprint and our social relationships are interwoven.
No human being is an island unto himself or herself. We affect those we’re in contact with. Each of us has a social impact. Our loveprint, not our fingerprint, and our social relationships are interwoven. Share on XIf human relationships are to have peace and prosperity then that social impact should contain the seeds and growth of each human loveprint.
At the end of the last chapter I asked you the question, why is one of the singularities of the human species the presence of love? You now have the answer. Because human society is composed of social beings. Each human being, you and I, need love so we can construct appropriate human relationships. Simply put, so we can get along with one another.
By now you're getting to know me and my questions. Here's another one. Which came first: love or sociability? Do we have love to be sociable? Or, were we first sociable and therefore needed to develop this love? Did the functioning love come first or the social relationships? These are the chicken or the egg questions we discussed in Inventory of the Universe. I bring this question up because it's a major study in the field of evolutionary psychology. This huge controversy means they don't know what the pieces of the puzzle are and how they assemble together. There are plenty of ideas but no consensus.
We don't know what the human mind puzzle piece is. We don't know what human psychology is and we don't know what human socialization is. And we especially don't know the relationship between these three fundamental disciplines is. How can you construct when you don't know what construction materials to use? It's to present clearly these pieces of human psychology, human behavior, and human socialization, the basic building blocks, that I'm writing the first two books of The Explanation series: Inventory of the Universe and Audit of the Universe.
I laid out the workings of the human mind and behavioral fiber. This chapter lays out the social fiber of human society. This is really fundamental since we are individual pieces in a puzzle that should collectively assemble together in peace and harmony.
I explained what the human mind and behavioral fiber are. Here's the social fiber of human society. This is fundamental since we are individual pieces in a collective puzzle that should assemble in peace and harmony. Share on XWe are going to proceed by the size of social structures: starting with individuals, man and woman, progressing to couples which generally produces a marriage. Then come parents with children, which we call a family leading to an extended family with in-laws, aunts, and uncles. This grows into a clan and as it enlarges a tribe or even a nation. This becomes the framework of human society with its social relationships.
This blog post is an excerpt from chapter 3.1 of the book Audit of Humankind.
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