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Each of us is a unique individual on planet Earth. Individuals are the first building block of human society. Social relationships start as soon as you have two unique individuals in the same room.

You are a unique individual among seven billion on planet Earth.

You are a unique individual among seven billion on planet Earth.

You as a unique individual are the first link in the chain of what constitutes human society. Who are you? What is a unique individual human being? What makes you unique? Are there inferior and superior human beings? Are all human beings equal?
(Audit of Humankind, chapter 3.2)

This chapter of Audit of Humankind is devoted to How Humans Socialize. Unique individual is the first term that we will define. Each one is a building block in the social network of human society that spans the globe. Your and my individuality mean each of us brings our qualities (and defects) to construct humanity. We pool our individualities—each individuality is not diluted in the mass—our individualities are cumulative and represent the patchwork that is the diversity of society.

We know the world is full of different peoples, but it is quite amazing to see how little space it devoted to this subject. Just a few lines in Wikipedia. You are a unique individual and it is a very important concept because each of has something to offer to the whole. Let's get to know our uniqueness.

This chapter of Audit of the Universe is devoted to How Humans Socialize. 'Unique individual' is the first term that we will define. Each one is a building block in the social network of human society that spans the globe. Share on X

Each unique individual possesses a body, brain, and mind. I suggest you click on those links and do a comprehension-refresh, particularly regarding the human mind. Our human mind is what differentiates us from animals. It confers on us our consciousness which in turn allows you to exhibit perceptions, feelings, desires, reasoning, judgments… Everything that makes you a unique individual. In that every human being has a human mind, this makes us all equal. Yes, each mind expresses itself in different ways which also makes each of us unique and therefore unequal!

In the same way, all humans have a body and a brain. We all are built based on an identical model. Each and every one of us, as human beings, has the same format. You can go anywhere in the world, meet however many people you want, you’ll always recognize a human as a unique individual. There’s always a human body and a human brain. In that every human being has a human body and brain, this makes us all equal. Yes, each of our bodies and brains expresses itself in different ways which also makes each of us unique and therefore unequal!

When each of us came into this world, it was via the birth process. We all, with no exception, went through the baby stage, the critical periods, brain development, including when some of our neurons were pruned. Regardless of your origins or where you live on Earth, each unique individual went through these exact same biological and physiological processes of growing up. In that, every human being has followed this same physical and mental development progression, this makes us all equal. Yes, the results of that growing up process express themselves in different ways which also makes each of us unique and therefore unequal!

When you stop to think about it, there are factories that use the chain of production process. Cars, airplanes, even houses: The basic end-products are identical but then they are personalized with different paint, seating plans, and decoration. With us humans, we go through the same conception, gestation, birth, and growth procedures with modifications being made all along the way. All human beings have the same basics, yet seven billion come out differently, and that’s what constitutes the diversity of society.

I’m refraining from asking why we're unique individuals but you’ll be able to read the answer to why in Origin of the Universe which is also being published online and will cover why humans are equal and unequal. I've reached the point where these answers will be forthcoming in just a few weeks.

Following the body, brain, and mind, I devoted chapter 10 to the Singularity of Humankind. It includes each and every human being’s capacity to possess a dual nature capable of doing the best and the worst, mastering our time and space (the physical world in which we live). display creativity, exercise our imagination, participate in continuous learning, make significant choices about our lives, desire to make progress, face challenges with courage, rule life responsibly. In that every human being possesses these same qualities that characterize humankind, this makes us all equal. Yes, the results of those singular qualities express themselves in different ways, which also makes each of us unique and therefore unequal!

In the last chapter, we discovered the 7 steps of How Humans Function. We all possess each and every aspect of this process. We all have dual human natures, free choice, behavior, ethics, justice, self-reproach, and forgiveness. Each of us manifests these same qualities that characterize humankind, this makes us all equal. Yes, the results of that those singular qualities express themselves in different ways, which also makes each of us unique and therefore unequal!

Humans are not robots or clones. We are not designed to be identical. In fact, it’s just the opposite. You’ll find out why shortly. But for now, we’re establishing one fact and that fact is human society consists of individuals. Each individual has gone through an identical biological growth process and possesses the same singularities and functions as expressed above. In that, every human being is equal. Yes, the results of that growing up process express themselves in different ways, which also makes each of us unique and therefore unequal!

You might think I’m overdoing the use of that last phrase, and maybe I am, but with the raging controversy of what it means to be human, I need to make it clear that in the process of becoming a human being we are all equal. Human beings are all one race, one species.

With the raging controversy of what it means to be human, I need to make it clear that in the process of becoming a human being we are all equal. Human beings are all one race, one species. Share on X

As I wrote in Inventory of the Universe, “There is brain unity in human diversity. We have been told that “we are all one,” but we ponder the truth of that statement here in this room. Is there an underlying message we should be getting? Is the universal brain telling us something that we haven’t grasped yet? Why do all brains experience identical critical periods despite differences in sex and race?” I wrote that in the context of the brain. Now I’m saying the principle applies to our minds, human singularity, and human psychological functioning as well. There’s unity, we are all one.

In the last chapter, I used the term loveprint—the end stamp of each human being’s functioning process—just as each of us has a unique fingerprint, likewise; we have a unique loveprint, unique attitudes, and behavior. We maybe tend to focus on the differences. Right now, I want us to focus on the fact we all have fingerprints, we all have loveprints. No other species has either of these. They don’t have fingers and they don’t have love. Only humans do. In that, we’re all equal.

In conclusion, I would like you to retain the fact that we humans are all equal. Sorry to reiterate this so often, but in the diversity of humankind it is essential to understand the equality of seven billion unique individuals. Next week I’ll show you that these 7 billion are split into two key groups that are unequal and that may cause you to question equality. So, I’ll say it again: ALL HUMANS ARE EQUAL.

This blog post is an excerpt from chapter 3.2 of the book Audit of Humankind.


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